Page 232 of The Skeikh's Games

Now she felt drained, though, Brandt’s offer banging around her brain like a battering ram. She stroked Milo’s face. “Milo…what would you have done if you hadn’t gone into the music business?”

Milo looked surprised by her question but considered. “I honestly don’t know. I was determined to do a job connected with music – and seeing as I can’t sing or play an instrument, at least not well, I took part-time jobs in record stores, started a small indie label and it just grew from there. I can’t imagine doing anything else or re-inventing myself like you have.” He smiled down at her and pulled her closer. “Not like you. You’re amazing.”

Ori smiled but her heart thumped hard against her ribs and she felt misery settle over her.

Later, when Milo was asleep, Ori slipped out of bed, grabbed her cell phone and headed into the living room. She dialed the number.

“Ori, how nice to hear from you.” Brandt sounded smug and satisfied. Ori took a deep breath in.

“I’ll do it.”

“I’m glad. I’ll speak to you in the morning.”

She ended the call, leaned her forehead against the cool glass of the window and silently sobbed.


Milo stared at her. “You’re kidding.”

Ori shook her head, not meeting his eye. “No. I want to do it. I’ve…had the thought in my mind for a while now. An album. That’s all. No tour. No publicity.”

“You can’t be that naive.” He ran his hand through his hair. “Is it money? Is that why? Are you struggling?”

“No, I…no. That’s not it.”

“Then why?” He sounded angry, frustrated and Ori had to turn away from him before she told him the biggest lie.

“Because I want to. I feel…I have left things unfinished.”

She jumped as Milo banged his fist on the table. “I don’t believe you. I don’t. Something else is going on here.”

She drew in a shaky breath. “Look, ever since we met, ever since you found out who I was, I’ve been waiting for the other shoe to drop. You’re a very visible man, Milo, people would find out eventually anyway. This way we can control the story. I can say goodbye to Astoria properly, hopefully, negate the constant questions.”

Milo was silent. When he looked at her, his eyes were cold. “I hope you trusted me.”

“I do, god, Milo…” She went to him, curled herself around him and was gratified when he held her tightly. “You are my person. With you, I feel invincible.”

He kissed her temple and looked down at her. “Is this what you really want?”

She nodded and he sighed. “Well then, we’ll make it happen. But, Ori, I want you to be open with me through the process. And you don’t sign anything until the album’s done and you’re absolutely sure you want it out there. You want out at any point, you got it without question. Deal?”

She snuggled into his arms, feeling a little better. “Deal. I love you.”

“I love you too, funny face. Just not sure I want to share you with the world.”


“No contract? Are you insane?” Brandt was incensed. “Who puts that much money into an artist without a contract?”

Milo sighed and rubbed his face impatiently. “Brandt, I just gave you your golden ticket. Against my wishes, might I add, so suck it up. No contract until Ori says she’s sure.”

Brandt sighed. “Fine. So what’s the plan?”

“I hooked Ori up with Rocky Logan, they’re going into the studio to write today, see how the chemistry is. Rocky’s a good fit for her, I think, strong female voice, rock, pop, whatever Ori’s feeling.”

“Can we call her Astoria now? That’s, after all, her name.”

“Ori is her name, Astoria is a character.”