Skylar looked herself over in the mirror, happy with the way the beaded cream dress fit her new body. Her auburn hair was up in an intricate do of twists, curls and diamond encrusted pins. She felt beautiful and she was happier than she’d ever been.
“It’s almost time,” Kendra interrupted her musings. “Are you ready?”
She turned to her best friend with a big grin. “As ready as I’ve ever been.”
Kendra’s face softened. “Good. You look beautiful, like stupid beautiful. I hope you know that.”
Tears pooled in her eyes and she flung herself at Kendra. “Thanks Ken, that means a lot.”
“It better since I’m the one who got up at the crack of dawn to help you lose the weight.” Secretly she was thrilled for her friend. Not only had she found a solid man to love, who loved her more than anything, but she had become the best damned marketer Kendra had ever seen.
Mimi walked in wearing a simple rose sheath, similar to Kendra’s. “Hey Mom, someone’s been calling for you.” She held out the tiny bundle wrapped in a hot pink blanket for Skylar to take.
“Hey baby,” she cooed to her and Ryder’s two month old daughter, Brooklyn Marie Tompkins. Six weeks after declaring their love for each other, Skylar found out that her flu was in fact baby Brooklyn. Ryder proposed right away but she told him no. They needed to get to know each other and make sure their love would sustain them for the long haul, not a baby. Ryder reluctantly agreed and did everything to show her just how great they were together. He dropped everything when she fell ill, kept her well fed and rubbed her feet after a long day at the office. He’d been perfect. So perfect that after her six month checkup, she’d proposed to Ryder over the sound of little Brooklyn’s heartbeat. “How’s my baby,” she asked and snuggled the baby close. “Mimi thank you for agreeing to be a bridesmaid and for holding Brooklyn so she’s part of the ceremony.”
She blushed all the way to her ears. “You don’t have to thank me Skylar. You’re Ryder’s girl and he’s my best friend so you’re my girl too.” She shuddered and then laughed at her words. “You know what I mean.”
“I do.”
“She does,” Kendra piped in. “What I want to know is, what’s going on between you and Hunter? You two are creating so many sparks I’ve got the fire department on standby.”
Mimi rolled her eyes. “You’re mistaken.” She reached out for Brooklyn. “I came up here because the planner said you have five minutes. I’ll be at the bottom of the stairs, waiting.” She left as quietly as she came.
“I’m not buying it,” Kendra said breaking the silence.
“Me either, but let’s leave it alone. It’s a touchy subject, I think.” She gave herself one last look in the mirror. “Let’s go get me married!”
“I can’t believe you made me your best man,” Hunter told Ryder as he fixed his bow tie in the mirror. “You really need some friends.”
Ryder laughed and clapped his brother on the back. “If you stopped being a dick we’d be great friends.” He shoved a glass of champagne in his brother’s hand. “Seriously, thanks for doing this. I need you by my side when I make Skylar my wife.”
“I am happy for you little brother, even though I think you could be together without making it so…permanent.”
Ryder laughed and shook his head. “I want permanent. I want her there, next to me until the day I die.”
Hunter shivered. “Well at least you got an adorable kid out of it.”
That had surprised Ryder more than anything. Hunter was a great uncle and Brooklyn adored him as much as he adored her. “She is beautiful.” His daughter had her mother’s fiery red hair and her father’s deep blue eyes and her uncle’s devilish dimples. She was a well loved baby.
“She gets that from me.”
Ryder threw his head back and laughed. “Whatever gets you through the day, Hunter.”
“I know that one lucky lady will help me get through the night.” He wiggled his eyebrows.
“You’re incorrigible man. Let’s go take our places before Aunt Marie finds us and tells me how to please a woman.” He cringed at the thought.
“Hey I love that old lady, she gave me a groomsmen’s gift. It was a box of sex toys.” It had been the strangest conversation he’d ever had, but the old woman knew her stuff.
“Let’s not talk about it. I’m getting married!”
The ceremony felt long to Hunter, but even he couldn’t deny the love shining in his brother’s and Skylar’s eyes. Those two had what it took to make their love last. At least he thought so, not that he knew what it took.
The crowd erupted when Ryder kissed his wife long and hard, and Hunter caught a haunted longing look on Mimi’s face. The sight of her always made his heart squeeze, but when she held Brooklyn he felt as though a piece of his heart was missing. The bride and groom fled up the aisle amidst a flurry of rose petals and Hunter reached for Kendra’s hand. As the best man he would escort her for the evening. When he went to whisper in her ear, it wasn’t there. Well it was there but it was much lower. “Mimi. You look beautiful today,” he told her mostly out of habit, but she did. Pink suited her pale skin.
“You always clean up well, Hunter.” Her words were sincere but he hated the sadness that seemed to follow her everywhere. “Kendra wants that groomsmen so we’re stuck together.”