Page 198 of The Skeikh's Games

“But I am delegating and that’s what matters. As long as I see results, Cressly can handle it.” Plus the last thing he wanted to see was the glow on her pale skin from an all night sex session with Hunter. No thank you.

“Ryder, you exasperate me. Seriously. Just admit that your feelings are still hurt and then talk to her again. Explain things.”

“Not going to happen.” He would rather eat soup off a public toilet than explain anything to her. About anything. Ever. “Well fine then. Let Hunter have her, date her and break her heart so she quits and we have to start this whole thing over in six months.” Dramatic, sure but she wanted to get her point across.

“Don’t you think you’re being a tad dramatic Mimi?”

“Not even a little bit. If anyone knows what she’s in store for Ryder, it’s me.” And I’m still not over him. That part went unsaid because they both knew.

“Well they are both adults and I’ve warned Hunter to tread carefully. If they let their personal lives interfere with work then it’s their business. There’s nothing I can do about that. If she quits, we’ll have to find another marketing firm.”

She poked his arm. “Don’t play nonchalant with me, buster. It’s killing you but you just can’t admit it, damn you!” She stopped the car. “We’re here. Get out.”

He looked up and around at his surroundings. “What? What about my bags?”

“Put those big strong muscles you try to hide to use.” She winked and shoved him out of the car. “Call me when you arrive and I’ll tell you what you’ve missed. Later.”

Ryder stepped into the early morning sunlight and grabbed his luggage. He hated airports.

He hated California more.

Chapter 4

“What are you doing here?” Skylar’s heart hammered out of her chest and she could barely take in any air. Ryder stood a few feet from her, on her aunt’s doorstep, looking so good she wanted to take a big bite out of him.

“I could ask you the same thing.” What the hell kind of sick joke was the universe playing on him?


He turned to her, their faces mere inches apart. They were so close he could smell the cinnamon and vanilla wafting from her hair or her breath, he didn’t know but damn it was intoxicating. “Yes?”

“Dammit Ryder, tell me what you’re doing at this house!”

He sighed heavily and raked his fingers through his dark hair, in need of a trim. “I am here for a business meeting Skylar.”

“With who?”

He raised an eyebrow at her. “What’s it to you?”

She poked him in the chest with a finger. “Why are you being so difficult? Just tell me who you’re meeting with in this house!”

“Ouch! Stop poking me.” He poked her back in the bicep. “Stop asking me so many questions and go somewhere.”

“Oh good, you’ve already met.” The woman pulled them both in for a hug and kiss and waved them in. “Come inside.”

“Aunt Marie what is Ryder doing here?”

“Aunt Marie?” He looked from Lyla to Skylar. “Lyla Peterson is your aunt?” Could this day get any worse?

“So you know each other prior to meeting on my doorstep?” She looped her arm through Skylar’s. “Is this the gentleman from the bad date who is not your lover?”

“No, it’s not. Ryder’s company is my new client.” Her gaze darted to his, but she couldn’t read any emotion on his face.

Lyla looked over her shoulder. “He’s very handsome and young. Maybe he should be your next lover.”

“Aunt Marie! Stop that, Ryder is a professional contact and you’re making him uncomfortable.”

He suspected it was Skylar who was uncomfortable so he stood in the foyer and kept his mouth shut. “Ms. Peterson, maybe I should come back later. I’ll just find a hotel and you can call me when you’re ready.” He picked up his bags and turned to the door.