Page 195 of The Skeikh's Games

Lyla scoffed. “No offense, Ryder, but no thank you. The last thing I need is some handsome charmer who’ll charm me before I get what I need. I’ve seen your brother and while I’m sure he gets the job done, I need the CEO.”

He nodded, respecting her honesty. “Okay then. Let me check with Mimi and see when I can fit in a trip to California.” He shot off an email to Mimi while he spoke and noticed Hunter at the door. “I’ll have Mimi call you as soon as we have a few days open, probably next week sometime.” They said their goodbyes and ended the call. He took a moment to enjoy the good news before his brother would inevitably ruin it.

“Stealing my job, Ryder?”

“Not at all. This isn’t something you can really do and she requested the CEO.”

Arms crossed defiantly, Hunter tilted his chin up. “What exactly is it that I can’t do, Ryder because just a week ago you were singing my praises.”

Here we go, he thought as exhaustion began to set in. “She wants custom made software and since I’m the one with the programming background she asked for me. Is that a problem?”

Hunter rolled his eyes. “I guess not. So I went out with Skylar a few nights ago. Cold fish.”

His jaw clenched but his face was blank. “And why do I care about this?”

“It’s called conversation Ryder, it’s how humans interact.” Something was up with him, but Hunter didn’t know what.

“Thanks for the lesson but I have work to do.”

Hunter grunted. “Of course you do. Never time to sit and talk with your brother, or is it that Mr. CEO is too important?” He taunted him because he hated that Ryder was so dismissive.

“You want me to ask about your, what, one thousandth conquest? Why? Go find someone else to brag to.” He didn’t want to hear one detail of Hunter’s night with Skylar. He wasn’t sure he could sit through it without bloodying his brother’s perfect face.

Hunter looked closely at the strain around his eyes and his clenched jaw. He suspected Ryder might be angry or jealous, but it didn’t make sense. Everyone knew Ryder didn’t date and he didn’t mess around with anyone involved with the company. “Fine, whatever. You know Ryder, one day you’re going to wake up and find yourself completely alone.”

“Your point?” At Hunter’s silence, he scoffed. “Oh right, you want to be my friend? Give it up Hunter, I know you can stand me.”

Hunter was stunned. He thought their competition was friendly and fun, he never realized Ryder thought he didn’t like him. “You’re my brother, of course I can stand you.”

“Is that why you’re so quick to tell people we’re step brothers?” He didn’t know what Hunter’s angle was, but he knew there was one. Then he stilled. Had Skylar told him about their last meeting? He looked closely at his brother’s face, looking for any trace that he knew.

“It’s the truth, we are.”

“Right. Is that all?”

“I wanted to ask your advice about something. I have another date with Skylar and I thought you might know why she’s not feeling me.”

“Why would I kno—, oh I see. She told you. Well I don’t know a damn thing about the woman and certain don’t know what she likes or dislikes.”

“Told me what?” Hunter leaned forward, fear washed over him at the thought he had missed something important. “What, Ryder?”

“Nothing, it’s irrelevant. I really can’t help you Hunter, you’re the charming one so…charm her.”

A cold chill crept up his back and Hunter didn’t know why or what to do about it. “Fine Ryder, sorry to have bothered you.”

“It’s no bother,” he said sincerely. “I just don’t have any answers. Sorry.” Hunter nodded and stood, raking a hand through his hair and walking away. “Hunter,” he called after his brother. “Sometimes you can be too charming, try to tone it down with her.”

He gave a sad smile and said, “Thanks, Ry.” He turned and practically ran into Mimi on his way out. “Hey Mimi,” he stopped and took in her beautiful face, full of pain once again.

“Hunter.” She ignored him and stepped inside Ryder’s office. “So Lyla Peterson, that’s good news.”


“I’ve blocked out three days at the end of next week.”

“Great thanks Mimi.”

“So you gave him advice. On how to woo the woman that you want for yourself. Are you up for a saint aware or something?”