Page 193 of The Skeikh's Games

She smiled at his flirtatious words even though she was completely unaffected by him. “Hunter. Good to see you as well.”

“What do you need me for,” he asked, his words purposely suggestive.

“Take a look at the ads and tell me what you think,” Cressly motioned to the table.

“Gladly.” His smile was predatory and he walked with purpose, stopping right behind Skylar. He stepped in front of her and looked them over, impressed with everything. Straightening his tall frame until he towered over her, Hunter flashed his dimpled smile. “These look great Skylar. You ladies have some serious talent.”

“Thank you.” As close as he was and as good as he smelled, she felt nothing, not an iota of desire. She thought Hunter was funny and charming but he didn’t make her heart go pitter patter and he didn’t make her stupid with lust.

“We should be thanking you.” Hunter turned his charm factor up to a seven. Now that he’d seen her again, he was certain he wanted her. “In fact, let me thank you tonight. With dinner.”

This time she schooled her face into a blank mask, unwilling to hurt or piss off another brother. Skylar thought about his handsome face and surface charm and how they produced none of the feelings his brother had and she knew her answer. “Sure, why not?”

Cressly cleared his throat, certain they had forgotten he was in the room. “Thanks for your help Skylar. I’ll double check with Ryder and call you in the morning. Let me walk you out.”

“Don’t worry about it,” Hunter held his hand up, “I’ll walk her out.”

Cressly nodded warily and watched them walk away. When he heard the elevator bell, he called Mimi and took the ads up to Ryder for review. Something strange was going on, but he didn’t know what it was and had no desire to insert himself into the middle of it.

Chapter 3

As skeptical as she was about her date with Hunter, Skylar was impressed with the restaurant he’d chosen. It was a new traditional French restaurant, lined with rustic café chairs and tables alongside small wooden picnic tables. It was beautiful and quaint, but the smells coming from the kitchen were heavenly. She stood and waited for the hostess to acknowledge her. The woman looked up with a phony smile and a raised eyebrow, which she guessed passed for a question in her world. “I’m meeting someone, reservations for Cross at eight.”

The underweight blonde scanned the list and gave a curt nod. “Right this way.”

Skylar followed her to a small table for two where Hunter had already been seated. He stood and waved when he saw her, looking like he’d stepped off the pages of a fashion magazine. “Hunter, good to see you.”

He stepped back and eyed her up and down several times, a slow smile crawled across his face. “Skylar, you look good enough to eat.”

She rolled her eyes. “Oh boy.”

He laughed. “Too much?”

Skylar held her thumb and forefinger about an inch apart. “Just a little.” She looked around the restaurant and couples sipping wine and quietly flirting. “This place is amazing, great choice.”

“Thanks,” his eyes held a predatory gaze. “I’m glad you decided to go out with me tonight.”

“Oh yeah? Why?” She laughed at confusion that crossed his face. Women probably didn’t really care why he asked them out, as long as he did.

“Mostly because you’re hot.”

She laughed at his honesty. “Alright. Anything else?”

Hunter leaned in close, giving her a good look at his gorgeous green eyes. “That is yet to be seen.”

A beautiful waitress with long brown hair approached the table. “Good evening, my name is Tammy and I’ll be your server tonight. Can I start you with a drink?” Her gaze never left Hunter’s face and he ate it up, flirting shamelessly with her.

“I’ll have a gin martini. Dirty.” The girl nodded but she seemed incapable of pulling her gaze from Hunter.

“I’ll have your best scotch, Tammy.”

“You got it. I’ll be back soon,” she promised and put a little extra sway in her hips when she walked away.

“Someone has a fan,” she teased even though she was a little disappointed that he’d flirted so openly with her.


She shook her head. “Why should I be jealous?” Hunter wasn’t hers and she had a feeling he would never belong to just one woman.