Page 18 of The Skeikh's Games

“So, what do you think?” he asked.

“Think about what?” she asked.

“That,” he said and indicated the property.

“You know what I think about that,” she replied softly. “That should have been mine.”

“I know,” he whispered and turned her face to him. “That’s why I got it back for you.”

The words came from his lips, but its meaning was lost on Jameela. She sat there staring at him as comprehension slowly drifted into her consciousness, and she felt a single tear roll down her cheek. She looked down at the key, and then it made sense. He had bought it for her. she turned her head away as more tears began to fall. “I can’t take this,” she said through tears.

“You already did,” he said as he took out an envelope from the glove compartment. It contained the deed to the estate.

“I can’t believe you did this,” she said. She wiped the tears from her face, but fresh ones kept replacing them.

“How could I not? I know how much it meant to you, and I don’t want you holding it over my head for the rest of my life,” he said and rolled his eyes.

Without even knowing it, he had connected with her innermost thoughts, and she had never appreciated him more than she did in that moment. She let the key and the envelope fall, so that she could show him just how much. “How do I every repay you?” she asked and kissed him with salty lips.

He kissed her in return before pulling back and wiping what remained of the salty tributaries on her face. “Just love me back,” he smiled.

She did too. “I already do,” she said and fell into his arms.

“So, how about dinner?” he asked, as if he didn’t comprehend the magnitude of what he had just done for her. After that, how could she possibly eat?

“I just want you to take me home,” she told him, and there was no doubt in his mind as to her meaning. He started the engine and made a U-turn. She found his free hand and gripped it between hers, and as they drove down the stretch that would take her home, she bit her lips and smiled. She felt his hand tighten over hers, and she looked over at the man who had brought her world to completion. And she knew, but the glint in his eyes, she would never be without him or ever want for anything again.


Enjoy the bonus stories!


Bryan woke slowly. His eyes like lead weights were pure effort to open. His mouth was thick with the aftertaste of a night spent partying. Running his tongue along the roof of his mouth, he tried to swallow and grimaced at the taste. His body felt heavy, his joints aching. A cool breeze coming from the hotel room’s AC blew across his body.

He lifted his head from the pillow and looked around him at the three women draped around him and the bed. One had found her way to the floor of the bedroom at one point, it would seem. Stupid bitch. Bryan grunted as he pushed himself to a sitting position and cradled his head in his hand as a headache woke itself up in his skull.

“All right,” he shouted and clapped his hands twice. “Everyone up. Get out.”

Two of the girls startled awake, looking around them confused and alarmed. The one on the floor didn’t stir. The need to urinate made itself known in a big way, so he pushed himself to his feet. Whistling he twirled his finger.

“C’mon, move it.”

As he passed the one on the floor he gave her hip a nudge with his foot. A nudge that, any harder, may have been classified as a kick, but it wasn’t quite there yet. “Hey, move.”

“Would you calm down?” one of the girls asked as she dressed herself. “We’re leaving, all right?”

Bryan waved a hand at them on his way to the toilet. “Not fast enough. You shouldn’t even have been here when I woke up.”

“Ass,” one of the girls said.

The third one was finally moving by the time he made it to the toilet. As he relieved himself he took a whiff at his armpits and made a face. He needed to shower for sure before meeting his publicist. He lingered in the bathroom, brushing his teeth and taking his time while the girls got their stuff together and left. One of them knocked on the door to use the bathroom.

“They have one in the lobby,” he called back.

He heard her scoff but didn’t bother responding. They weren’t worth responding to. When he heard the hotel room door close, he finally took a breath.

All this money and girls stuff used to be cool when it first started. When he first signed on with his team and became an official NBA player, he couldn’t have been happier. He’d finally made it. Life was going to be good from there on out. Everyone bowed to his every whim as long as he kicked ass every night. And he did. The other players didn’t have shit on him. Game after game, night after night, it was drinking, and girls, and then more b-ball the next day.