Page 161 of The Skeikh's Games

Like I said…idiot.

She should have been thinking of what she could do career-wise after missing the Harrington interview. She pulled her laptop over and, chewing her lip, typed Jay’s name into Google.

And immediately wished she’d hadn’t. How the hell did she not know about this guy? James ‘Jay’ Whitney McKittridge III, thirty-seven, single (unbelievably) and the billionaire CEO of America’s largest media corporation, JWM.

“Jay Double-U Em…” Norah intoned to herself. “Freakin’ Jay Double-U Em.” She was suddenly glad she hadn’t gotten to the interview with Harrington that morning. If she was so out of touch that she didn’t know who Harrington’s biggest competition was… Embarrassment mixed with confusion — she’d told Jay who her interview was with so why hadn’t he admitted who he was? Maybe he assumed she did know who he was and…

“God.” She said out loud. Did he think she was hinting at a job? Oh god, no…She might never see him again but she hated to think that he would think that about her. She picked up a pillow from the couch and screamed into it. Why? Why me? Why do I have to be such a doofus?

She didn’t realize the doorbell was buzzing until she took her face out of the pillow. She threw it across the room and skittered over to the door and yanked it open.

James Whitney McKittridge III grinned at her. “I’m really bad at taking no for an answer.” He said and Norah, her mind a confusion of embarrassment, mortification, attraction and amusement, chose amusement and burst out laughing.


Jay took Norah to a local place, quiet, non-assuming. As he ordered their drinks, she studied him, his elegance, his sheer machismo set every nerve ending in her skin alive. Goddamn, it was that feeling all over again. When she’d agreed to a date with him, she’d made a promise to herself. Just drinks. Nothing else. Just a polite drink and then home. Alone, she told herself sternly

But then, as soon as he’d offered her a hand out of the cab and their skin had touched, albeit briefly, electricity had surged through her and when he gave a sharp, almost inaudible, intake of breath, she knew he felt it too.

Here, on mutual territory, she no longer felt overwhelmed by him and his status. He was dressed in simple jeans and t-shirt, just like the rest of us mortals, Norah grinned to herself.

“Something funny?” He was back and smiling down at her. She accepted the drink he offered, sipped it as he took the seat next to her.

“I was just thinking, despite being — what was it — Forbes’ Most Eligible Billionaire this year and last year…you seem almost normal.”

Jay smiled. “Is that a compliment or…?”

She grinned wickedly. “It’s whatever you think it is.”

He pretended to consider. “Then I’m going to take it as a compliment. But please,” he intoned dryly, “stop throwing yourself at me. It’s embarrassing.”

Norah giggled. “And clearly, you’re a loon. Forbes Most Eligible Loon.”

Jay inclined his head. “Thas’ me Ma’am.”

They both laughed and Norah was amazed how easy it was to be here with him.

“I wanted to thank you for coming out with me tonight, for letting me apologize in person. You know, for almost killing you this morning.”

Norah bit back a twang of disappointment. Was that all this was? An apology? Get a grip, she told herself, what did you expect? “You’re welcome. More than welcome, you paid my medical bills (not that I needed medical help) and bought me lunch.”

“Brunch,” he corrected, grinning, “and yeah, next time, eat some cereal, would you?”

She flushed but knew he was joking. He chucked her cheek with the back of his hand and her skin flamed at his touch.

“Anyway,” he continued, “I do have another motive.”

Her insides flipped and a pulse began to beat deep in her belly. “Oh yes?” She kept her tone light and he smiled.

“A proposition. My company has a graduate program, a fast track system for candidates just like you with a great package attached. Marshall Harrington is a fool. Summa Cum Laude from Harvard? Yes, please. I’d really like you to come in and see if it’s something you’d be interested in. No pressure, I just want to make up for making you miss the interview this morning.’

Norah blinked. “So this is a job interview?”

Jay smiled, shrugging good-naturedly. “To be honest, I’ve always felt that the company should be the one being interviewed. You’re clearly very intelligent, you’re very personable, you have great integrity. Say yes.”

Norah stared at him for a long time trying to figure him out then a slow smile spread across her face. “Really?”

He nodded, grinning. “One hundred percent.”