Page 121 of The Skeikh's Games

Beau picked up his wife and carried her to their bedroom. He picked up where he left off the day before. He tore off her white t-shirt and yoga pants and saw that she was wearing no bra or panties. Her nipples were hard by the time he covered them with his mouth. Beau was never going to skip foreplay again because seeing her turned on and orgasm made him hard. Jackie Savage didn’t lose control often but Beau knew the spots that garnered an immediate reaction.

In a move that was right out of a Bruce Lee film she flipped him over. Now her small toned body covered his and she placed his hard cock inside of her. Beau and Jackie knew that their lover’s fit far exceeded anything Tina would ever experience.

“I’ll never hurt you again Jackie but you have to admit that make-up sex is pretty hot. Why does your phone keep buzzing? Are you expecting an important call?”

“Tina Dorsette has been trying to call all morning. It has something to do with a few cleaning surcharges on her bill. There was a problem with her chartered flight out of our airport. Poor thing is having a bad day. I love you Beau Savage.” Jackie smiled.

“I love you Jackie Savage.”


Trusting My Bad Boy

“That guy is watching you,” Darlene said. She couldn’t have imagined that something intended as an innocent joke would have sent a cold chill down Sophia’s spine.

“What does he look like?” she asked, trying to stay calm.

“Cute. About five ten or so. Sandy hair. Can’t see his eyes in this light.”

“They’re brown,” Sophia said.

“Oh, you know him?” Darlene smiled past her shoulder and started to raise her hand but Sophia stopped her.

“Don’t wave at him, don’t even look at him,” she said between gritted teeth.

But it was too late. She could feel Phil draw close. “Hello, Sophie.”

She sighed. “Hello, Phil.” She didn’t look up at him.

“What are you doing here?” he asked.

Not your business. Never your business. Leave me alone. “Out with friends.”

“Hi, I’m Darlene.” She extended her hand but Phil ignored her.

“Female friends?” he asked.

Darlene said, “Cold in here. I need another drink.” When she got up and left, Phil slid into her chair.

“You have another man in your life now?” he asked softly. His quiet voice was his dangerous voice.

“Phil, you need to leave me alone. We’re not together anymore and I don’t answer to you.”

“I’m just concerned for your well-being,” he said as he brushed a tendril of blonde hair back from her face. “I’ll always think of us as belonging to each other.”

“I don’t belong to you!” she told him, finally turning to look at him, trying not to shiver when she saw that look in his eyes.

“I wouldn’t be too sure about that. Don’t I know everything there is to know about you? If that isn’t ownership—”

“It’s not. Now go away. I mean it.”

He got up. “I’m watching you, Sophie.”


“Sophie,” he repeated, and faded into the crowd.

She wanted to cry. She wanted to scream. She was terrified, angry, despairing of ever having a life where she wasn’t looking over her shoulder for fear that Phil would be standing there.