Page 110 of The Skeikh's Games

Beau’s Grandfather looked concerned. “It sounds like an infatuation to me Beau.”

“I’m not expecting it’ll be easy to wrangle this woman but I know what I want and that means I’ll get it.” Beau smiled.

“I wish you luck Beau and think about bringing Jackie by to meet me while I’m still around. I’ll be able to tell if she’s as special as you make her sound.”

Beau’s Grandfather was suspicious. Beau had a strong attraction to Jackie Keller, perhaps because she wasn’t handed to him on a gold platter trussed up with an apple in her mouth. Jason Savage had been in his grandson’s position at 41 with no heirs. Panic sets in and a man starts looking more seriously for a wife.

“I appreciate it Pops but I don’t think I’ll need much luck as I’ve never needed it before with women.” Beau smiled as he went inside to refill his coffee.

Jackie woke up realizing that sex on the floor of a wine cellar had its drawbacks. She was moving slowly and had bruises in places that were going to be hard to explain. Washing the kitchen floor would be a good excuse, except for the fact that her condominium was carpeted. Jackie was glad that she chose to be on top for her sexcapade, otherwise the injuries would be worse. It was a Saturday but Jackie decided to head into the office anyways. She had let other projects go untouched for a while because all her energy was directed towards the charity event.

“Hey Colette. Any chance you can swing by the office today. I’m going in to play catch up and I would love the company. I’ll buy lunch. Take-out from anywhere.”

“I was thinking the same thing Jackie. I can’t wait to hear what happened between you and the hot cowboy. I saw the glances the two of you were exchanging.”

“It was that obvious huh? See ya in a bit,” Jackie smiled when she thought of hunky Beau.

Jackie hopped in her Camry and sped to the office. As she moved through the canyon in her vehicle purchased in New York, she considered trading it in and leasing a small SUV or truck. She wanted to look as she belonged in Wyoming during her tenure, which would be six months or less. On her dash, she kept a photo of the resort in the Caribbean which she planned to make her final destination. While she was driving, a call came in from Beau so she enabled her Bluetooth and smiled as she answered.

“Did you manage to get your date home safely?”

“Yes, I walked her in the door and reclaimed the diamonds before I left her passed out on the couch. If I didn’t do it the security guard would’ve shown up to do it for me.”

“Do many people borrow jewels for an event?” Jackie asked.

“I do because I go to many events and I want my dates to look a certain way. I’ve never known a woman with whom I wanted to invest in permanently. I have plenty of cash but I go to so many dinners, ceremonies and celebrations that the cost would be prohibitive. In the past week alone I’ve had three appearances in which I had $2–6M worth of shit on each woman.”

“Interesting. Where is your private jet taking you to this week?” Jackie asked.

“I’m not thinking about next week Jackie. Is there anywhere you want to go?”

Jackie was surprised by the question and she almost rammed into another car in the resort parking lot. “To my office is the only place I’m planning to go for a while. I work for a living Beau.”

“O.K. If I can’t lure you away for a romantic dinner in Paris then agree to come out to the ranch and spend the day with me tomorrow. A quiet afternoon on the ranch isn’t something I do often.”

“Sounds blissful. Are casual clothes appropriate?”

“Come as you are and I’ll provide you some western gear when you get here.”

“How are you planning to do that? You don’t know my size.”

“Jackie, I had my hands all over your body last night. I think I can figure out you measurements down to the inch. You can drive out or I’ll send a car; your choice.”

“I’ll be there before lunch. Gotta go. I’m at the office.”

Jackie disconnected. Walking towards her office, she had time to think about what getting involved with Beau Savage meant to her long-term plan. She was using places like Wyoming as a stepping-stone to reach the Caribbean. Colette who came up behind her interrupted her thoughts and the two continued to the office.

“You’ve only been here an hour and already you have a delivery from the cowboy,” Colette announced a delivery.

Colette showed the deliveryman into Jackie’s office. He carried a huge bouquet that took up half of her desk. It smelled amazing because Jasmine were the focal point of the arrangement. They were her favorite flower and they smelled of the perfume she had on the previous night. The delicate white flowers were interspersed with Indian paintbrushes, which were the Wyoming state flower. Jackie read the card.

Nothing can smell as magnificent as you did last night but these should come close. Counting the minutes until you arrive at The Wandering Bison ranch tomorrow.


“OMG Jackie. I’ve been in this town a lot longer than you. Beau Savage rarely holds an interest in a woman beyond 24-hours.”

“I don’t know what to say Colette. I didn’t plan this. In fact, I didn’t even know who Beau Savage was before I moved to Wyoming. I don’t even think I’m his type and I’m sure he’ll lose interest quickly.”