“This isn’t Match.com so I don’t feel obligated to answer but I will. No, No and No. I have to leave Mr. Savage.”
“See you tonight Ms. Keller.”
“Can’t wait to meet Tiffany.”
“Who? Oh yeah, my date.” Beau winked.
After a busy morning in the office, where he seldom spent his workdays Beau went into his penthouse. The panoramic view faced the Rocky Mountains and rolling foothills. The western view had spectacular sunsets, which had been enjoyed by many beautiful women. On that afternoon, there was only one woman on his mind. He couldn’t get Jackie Keller out of his thoughts. There was rarely a day in which his personal voicemail box was not flooded by invitations from supermodels, socialites and actresses. Beau reclined on his chaise pondering why a catering manager from Utica NY had gotten under his skin. What the hell he thought and picked up the phone.
“Felicity (the red haired receptionist) I want a flower arrangement sent to Jackie Keller, catering Manager at Clear Creek Resort. Make it a nice mix of wildflowers indigenous to Wyoming.”
“Yes sir. What should the card say?” Felicity asked. “Welcome to Wyoming — Mr. Savage (Beau). That’s all and hold my calls. I also have to make sure my tux is ready for tonight. Buzz me when Tammy gets here. I mean Tiffany.”
Jackie pulled up to the Resort on Cow Creek. On her way back from downtown Cheyenne, she was trying to decide if she liked or hated Beau Savage. He was a male-chauvinist pig who clearly thought that any woman would be lucky to land him. On the other hand, he didn’t hide who he was, which was refreshing. Many men she had known showed themselves one way but hid their true selves. It was his eyes and toned physique that threw her off her game. He also had an air of mischief about him that was sexy. She shook her head because she doubted he had even remembered her name.“Hey Colette. Can you get me a list of the servers on duty tonight and I’ll need to make sure we have enough Bookers bourbon on hand,” Jackie said to her admin.
“You have only been in town two weeks and you already have an admirer.”
“What are you talking about Colette?”
“Flowers are on your desk. I know the florist and I could pay my month’s rent for what that arrangement cost.”
Jackie was blasted by the pleasant aroma of the flowers as she read the card. Colette smiled while standing in the doorway as she waited for details. They had become friends since Jackie moved to Cheyenne and she knew of no special man in Jackie’s life.
“Who’s the guy Jackie?”
“Beau Savage. He’s just a client.”
“There is nothing just about Beau Savage. He’s the most sought after man in the Western U.S. I would be bouncing up and down with joy if I ever got flowers from him.”
“He’s a cowboy from Wyoming. I’m a glorified food server from New York City. I’m a bit of a feminist and he’s not. He’s charming, suave and drop-dead gorgeous but not my type,” Jackie lied.
“What are you wearing tonight so you can try hard not to impress Mr. Savage?” Colette grinned as she enjoyed teasing her boss.
Alone in her office having finally gotten rid of Colette, Jackie called Beau.
“Hi. Mr. Savage. I’m surprised to hear you answering your phone,” Jackie said.
“I scribbled my personal number on my card and I was expecting your call. I was sure a nice college educated girl would call to say thank you for the flowers. Call me Beau.”
“You asked that you be addressed as Mr. Savage.”
“I didn’t mean you. I’m straight forward as you know and therefore I’ll say what’s on my mind. You intrigue me Jackie. You’re smart and beautiful, which is a rare combination and I should know. As my grandfather would say, I have many women in my stable. I find you to stand out.”
“Did you really just compare me to a horse in a stable — ugh. Do women normally take that kind of talk from you?”
“Sadly, yes they do. You’ve got spunk, which I like. See you tonight.”
Beau hung up and Jackie grabbed her purse.
“Colette, I’m leaving for the day. I have to find something to wear tonight. It has to be professional with a touch of sex appeal.”
“I’ll write down a few places you should try. I’ve heard rumors and Beau is a breast man and he likes a nice ass.”
“That does not surprise me.” Jackie smiled as she walked out.
Jackie stood by the bar, which gave her a clear vantage point of the ballroom and of the Savage Enterprises table in particular. She spent hours at various boutiques choosing an appropriate outfit for the gala. Jackie wanted to be respected by her employees and noticed by Beau at the same time. The green-eyed beauty chose a long black skirt with slit that could prove revealing if she stood a certain way. Her top was a silk sea foam green wrap around blouse. She could show as much cleavage as she wanted seen. She gathered her silky black hair in a topknot and finished her look with chunky silver jewelry.
“Wow Jackie. You could pass for one of the guests. Is there a reason I was moved off of serving the Savage table?” Mark asked. He was a male server and Beau had asked for women only.