Page 101 of The Skeikh's Games

“So there I was, locked in the WC and yelling what I thought was “help!” and it turns out I was shouting… I think someone told me it was “onions! Onions!”

Amanda exploded with laughter, remembered herself, and covered her mouth with her hands.

“Why do you do that?”

“Oh, my mother taught me it wasn’t ladylike to laugh out loud like that.”

“No, it’s wonderful! So much more refreshing than a polite little giggle before the subject gets changed.”

“You’ve been out with the wrong girls,” she told him. “My friends and I laugh like lunatics when we’re together.”

“I’d love to meet them.”

“Maybe one day.” She looked up and saw that it had grown dark while they talked. “Oh gosh, it’s late. I shouldn’t have kept you.”

“No, I enjoyed it. But I’ve kept you. Listen, the least I can do is to drive you home, or wherever it is you’re planning on going tonight.”

“Just home.”

“No Friday night date?”

“Just with my roommate. We order food and binge watch television programs. Though she’s actually got a date tonight.”

“So what were you going to do?”

“Microwave some macaroni and cheese and watch a movie.”

“That sounds good, but could I put a twist on it?”

“Wh— uh, sure.” What was he talking about?

“We hit this little place in Lincoln Square that makes the best mac and cheese ever, and then go to a movie. What d’you think?”

“Uh,” she said again. She was completely flummoxed. Was he asking her out on a date? “It sounds terrific, but wouldn’t it be awkward?”

“Oh! No, no, I’m not asking you on a date. Sorry, I should have been clearer. It’s more of a welcome to the family, and neither of us have anything to do anyway thing.”

She laughed again. There was something boyish and winning about him that she liked instinctively. “Okay sure. I’m a sucker for a good mac and cheese.”

They drove up to the restaurant. It had begun to snow lightly on the way, so when they arrived there was a sparkle of frost on everything. “I’ve never been here before,” she told him.

“I live in the neighborhood, so I come here a lot.”

The place was jammed. Amanda was sure it would take forever to get a table and she resigned herself to sitting in the bar, if getting a seat there was even possible. But they were shown right to a table and treated like royalty.

“I’m impressed.”

“One of the perks of being a regular customer.”

And probably of having money to burn, she thought. But what the heck? It had been a long time since any guy had shown her a good time. And she kind of liked that Bill’s good time was a neighborhood restaurant, even if the neighborhood was tremendously upscale and the establishment was a bit pricey. She decided to relax and enjoy it. To enjoy him.

“So would it be awkward if I asked why a guy like you doesn’t have a date?”

“Maybe. I don’t know.” He grinned at her. I assume it’s for the same reason a woman as smart and attractive as you are doesn’t have one either.”

“High standards?”

“That’s it!” he said gleefully and lifted his glass of good Belgian beer in a toast. “To high standards and impromptu dinners with friends.”