Ethan walked over and sat down, "You wouldn't return my calls, so I put myself on your schedule so you wouldn't have a choice but to see me." "I texted you for lunch," Nyla squeaked at him, and then stared at him not knowing what to say for a moment. "What are you really doing here?"
"I missed you, I wanted to see you again and I wanted to know why you were avoiding me, until today apparently." Ethan said looking confused.
"I thought I made it clear that I didn't need or want anything from you, and it was a one night thing," Nyla blinked at him, her hand itching to her purse, trying to decide if she wanted to hide the pregnancy test, or show it to him. She pulled the purse onto her lap and sat there debating in her head about it.
"I understand that, but Nyla, I can't stop thinking about you, you made me laugh, sexually the chemistry between us is explosive, and I want a chance to get to know you better. You are smart, capable, and you can take care of yourself, you don't need me at all, but I'd like you to want me a little." Ethan told her, giving her a funny look as he watched her hug her purse for dear life.
"I don't need you," Nyla repeated after him, nodding her head and letting his words sink in, and decided to show him the test. She pulled it out of the bag, and it didn't even register in her brain what she was going to do before she did it.
She threw the test at him and hit him directly in the middle of the forehead with it and then burst into tears. It bounded off his face and hit the edge of her desk before clattering on the hardwood floors in between his boots on the floor.
Ethan looked shocked, and tried to process what just happened, he just got hit in the face with a flying object.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to throw it!" Nyla was sitting there sobbing into her hands, and he bent down to pick up the stick she just threw at him.
Turning it over in his hands he froze when he realized what it was.
"How is this possible?" Ethan said, his voice soft, not letting himself react yet.
"Apparently when you have sex, it's possible to get pregnant. I learned that in sex ED in high school. It's common sense even if yours didn't teach it." Nyla spat out and then cried harder.
Ethan didn't know whether he should panic, or walk over there and comfort her. He ignored her sarcasm, realizing that this was an upsetting moment and cut her some slack for her reaction. Blinking at the white handled stick with the two pink lines for a minute, his brain started trying to process and understand everything that this meant.
A baby. His baby. Nyla was a good person, he wasn't upset that she'd be the mother of his child, he just needed to understand how his life would change if a child existed.
"Well, you’re handling it better than I did when I first saw that stick," Nyla said wiping her eyes. "Shit, my mascara is all over my face again."
"You're beautiful, don't worry about it," Ethan said automatically, his eyes still glued to the stick.
"I don't need your money," Nyla said as she started dabbing at her face with a tissue to fix her makeup. "I thought you had the right to know, and be involved if you wanted to be involved. I plan on keeping it. I am willing to let you sign over your rights if you don't want anything to do with the child. I promise you I didn't mean for this to happen, I'm still not sure how it happened, but—"
"Shut up Nyla," Ethan told her, looking up at her. "I never thought you'd do this to trap me, you're not that kind of woman. Why do you think I wanted to spend more time with you?"
Nyla blinked at him, her hand frozen against her face as she just stared at him in shock.
"I should have been there, when you peed on this stick. You shouldn't have had to do that alone. Of course I want to be involved, and I think we should get married. A child needs two parents, even better if one of those parents can stay home with the child during the first few years." Ethan told her, pausing and then added, "Of course, I wouldn't dream of making you quit your career if you insisted on working. I just think a kid needs a parent around when they are little."
Nyla didn't know what to say at first. This felt like too good to be true.
"What's the catch?" Nyla asked, suspiciously, having a hard time believing that any man could be this decent, this honest after a one night stand.
"No catch, Nyla, I wanted to date you. I was planning on coming here to tell you I wasn't going to take no for an answer, and I was going to put pressure on you to say yes. This just speeds up my plans a little bit. I haven't been able to stop thinking about you. I want you to be with me because you want to be, I won't force you into a relationship you don't want." Ethan looked at her and then got up and walked around the table and wrapped his arms around her and pulled her out of the chair to hug her. "I could love you if you let me. You deserve better than your ex husband, and you've worked hard for everything you have. I admire you. You don't need me, but let me be there for you. I want to be there for you. It's not a weakness to let other people be close to you, or to rely on them. It's okay to let someone love you."
"I'm not worried about love Ethan. We come from different roads in life. You're from a rich family, old money, I'm just a lawyer. Sure, I make okay money, but I'll never be from the same class of people you're used to." Nyla said, "I don't want to embarrass you."
"Nyla, sweetie, you could never embarrass me. Okay, maybe if you walked around in public completely naked and drunk, that might embarrass me, but you wouldn't do that, would you?" Ethan whispered in her ear as he pressed a kiss to her temple.
"No! Of course not!" Nyla responded, trying to picture the scenario in her head and then shook her head when she realized how ridiculous it sounded.
"Then you have nothing to worry about." Ethan smiled at her and kissed her lips gently before pulling away. "I want to be involved, even if we don't work out relationship wise, I want to be your friend. Will you give me a chance to be your friend, and possibly more?"
"I can handle being your friend Ethan, if you want to be involved, I'd like that." Nyla told him, and then wrapped her arms around him and let him comfort her. He smelled good and she buried her face against his chest. Nyla was pressed up against him and could feel his cock twitch through his pants. She didn't comment about it, but she did shift subconsciously against him, pressing herself harder.
"Nyla, we have a lot to talk about, and holding you like this makes me want to take you right here on your desk. We should probably go to lunch." Ethan whispered and met her gaze when she tilted her head back to look at him.
"My door locks." Nyla said and startled when he abruptly let go of her and locked the door and came back. Nyla grabbed the files off her desk and set them behind her on the book shelf and let him push her against the desk and kiss her.
His hand touched her through her pants as he rubbed his fingers against her.