Page 315 of The Skeikh's Games

Kamal stared in confusion as his mother left the dinner table. Nahid shook his head. “Son, I may have to go with you. Your mother will have a terrible temper while you’re away.”

“I don’t understand why she’s so upset,” Kamal said in bewilderment. “My wife has not mentioned her displeasure about my trip.” In fact, Jada didn’t mention her displeasure about anything. She was almost robotic in her actions around him, and he drove him crazy. Just once, he wanted to hear her opinion.

Kamal assumed that Jada would be pleased that he would be out of the palace for an extended period of time. She’d be able to relax and explore. Surely she didn’t think she existed for his pleasure?

She was hardly on automatic at night. In his arms, the carefully polished Sheikh’s wife mask slipped away, and she lost all control. He loved that. He loved to see just how far he could drive her up. And she, in turn, was not shy. Her desire to explore all the facets of sex amazed and exhausted him.

But during the day, she was completely different. He couldn’t even begin to pierce the shell around her. Time away would be good for both of them.

“We will never be able to understand women,” his father muttered as he pushed his plate away.

Kamal pushed the unpleasant situation from his mind. “I’ve pored over hundreds of applications, but only about forty make the cut. It’ll take me about two weeks to get through the interviews, and that’s just for the top tier. I know we’ve already got twenty men coming with me, but I may need about five more to run background checks. I got updates that the inspectors approved of the construction of the warehouse, but we still need to set up the offices.”

He sighed. There was still so much to do before he left.

“I’ll spare five more, but that’s it, Kamal. I can’t afford to slow production down . You’ll have to make do with that,” Nahid said with a sigh. It was clear that the fight with his wife had diminished his appetite.

The five additional men was only a fraction of what Kamal needed, but he knew better to ask for more. He considered himself lucky that he’d gotten this far. While a political and business alliance with America would be strong, he knew there were many who didn’t agree with the expansion. Most of his country wanted to keep themselves as secluded as possible. Something not being on America’s radar was a good thing.

Kamal polished off his dinner and stood. A servant came out to quietly clear the table, and he nodded his head in thanks. “I’ll see you in the morning.”

“Perhaps you should join us for breakfast with your wife,” Nahid said with a sigh. “Maybe that will pacify your mother.”

Kamal hesitated. He had planned on getting to the office early, and frankly, he knew that things with his mother would blow over. She could never stay mad at him for long. But since it was his father asking, he knew it was probably important. “Very well,” he muttered with a curt nod.

His father almost looked relieved as Kamal left the kitchen to retire to his suite.

It was the latest he had ever come home, and Jada was sleeping on the couch. His body tensed as he stared at her form stretched out on the cushions. He knew quite well that the body beneath the blue fabric of her dress was absolute perfection. He had traced every inch of her skin his fingers and his mouth, and it drove him to distraction.

There were moments where he could barely focus on his work because his thoughts were consumed with her. When he was sheathed within her, she was warm and welcoming. It had been a long time since he’d felt that way with a woman. Even when he was with Sara, it wasn’t like this.

Thinking of his ex-lover made him angry, and he tried to push the thoughts away. It wasn’t fair to his wife that he would be thinking of another. While it was customary for men in surrounding countries to take multiple wives and lovers, Kamal wanted to be faithful.

If nothing more than that he believed more than one woman would be far too much trouble.

His wife stirred, and when she opened her eyes and stretched, he hardened. After the day he’d had at work, he wanted nothing more than to bury himself within her. He knelt down by the couch and ran his hands over the curves of her torso and over her hips. Jada parted her lips in surprise. “Kamal?” she asked sleepily.

“Shh,” he whispered as he leaned down to kiss her. She opened readily for him, and as she tangled her fingers in his hair, his senses were reeling. These moments with her were more than just sex. She bared everything for him, and he finally got to see the real her. It was both physically and spiritually intimate.

Gently, he scooped her up and carried her to the bed. He didn’t mind that every second with her tonight was a second that he would have without sleep. It was worth it to feel the connection between them.

And when she cried out his name in the darkness, it made him feel something that he hadn’t felt in a very long time.

* * *

His mother was delighted when they showed up for breakfast. Although the looks she sent his way were anything but pleasant, she hugged Jada and kept the conversation going.

“Darling, I have some errands that I need to run today. Would you like to join me?” Ameena asked.

Nahid gave her a sharp look. “Why don’t you send someone to do your errands for you?” he asked her.

“I’m perfectly capable of running errands,” she muttered. Kamal studied them. Why were they fighting over errands?

“I would love to join you,” Jada said quickly. “It’ll be nice to get out.”

Get out? “Why do you need to get out?” As soon as the words were out of his mouth, he immediately regretted them. His wife immediately looked down at her plate.

“I’m sorry. I don’t need to go.”