Page 273 of The Skeikh's Games

“When are you getting out of here, buddy?” asked Nick.

“What you mean getting out? I thought you were taking me surfing. I got the nurse to help me get my wetsuit on and everything.” Matt cleared his throat with a pained expression on his face. “Jokes aside, it looks like I might be in here a while. They did some tests this morning so I guess I’ll know for sure soon. Doctors say it could be another couple weeks, depending. And that’s if I don’t die of a daytime television overdose before then.”

“You can borrow my tablet, if you promise to stick to Angry Birds,” said Riley. “No work until you get better.”

Matt pulled a face of mock disgust which was made even funnier by the neck brace pushing up the skin around his chin.

“Still, I suppose I’d rather be here than babysitting you,” said Matt, teasing.

Riley stuck her tongue out at him, playfully. Humor had always been their family’s way of dealing with things. I felt good to be around people again who understood that.

“I’m just kidding. I missed you, sis.”

“I know you did. You slammed yourself up against some rocks just to get me here.”

“Speaking of which,” said Nick, “I’m going to leave you guys to catch up for a bit, while I get some of that delicious hospital coffee. Can I get you guys anything?”

Matt did his best to shake his head.

“I’m good,” said Riley and watched him leave. “So how’re you feeling really?” she asked Matt.

“To be honest, I’m just glad to be alive. I mean it sucks being out of commission and not being able to work, but I have to tell you, sis, that was a close one. If it hadn’t been for Nick saving my skin…”

“He’s a good guy,” said Riley.

“One of the best. Hell, if it wasn’t for him, I’d probably be cleaning pools for a living. The company was all his idea.”

“You know, he said the same thing. That he owed it all to you.”

Matt waved away the idea.

“Just goes to show how quickly life takes a turn,” said Matt, his voice growing sombre. “How quickly you can get on top of things. And then how quick it can be over. All you can do is enjoy it while lasts, right?”

Nick returned a little while later and the conversation turned to lighter subjects. They stayed with Matt for the afternoon, chatting and telling jokes until the angry looking nurse came back with his dinner. “Alright, folks,” she said. “Visiting time’s up.”


Back in the car — Riley had chosen to ride in the Lamborghini again, though Nick had a more practical Land Rover Sport for everyday use — Nick turned left out of the parking lot instead of right.

“Where are we going?” asked Riley.

“I thought I could persuade you to let me take you out to dinner.”

“You mean like a date?” she said, but then regretted it the moment the words were out of her mouth. No, you idiot, not a date, she told herself. He just wants food. Stop being weird.

“If you want to call it that,” said Nick.

Riley blushed. “I don’t know, I’m not really dressed for a restaurant.”

“Don’t be silly,” said Nick, “you look amazing. You could fit into Miami’s finest wearing just a T-shirt and jeans with your face.”

Riley blushed harder.

“Okay,” said Nick, “Nothing fancy. I know this great restaurant on the beach. They do the best burgers in town.”

“Okay,” said Riley. “Sounds good.” Actually, a dinner date with Nick sounded amazing, but she dared not say that out loud.

* * *