Page 152 of The Skeikh's Games

“I love it when you touch me,” she whispered before they kissed, this time with more heat.

She unbuttoned his shirt and pulled it off, then pressed herself against him, bare chest to bare chest, feeling the silk of his dark hair against her breasts. Her breathing was becoming ragged as they embraced, fell back onto the bed. How she had missed this, missed his touch, so gentle and rough by turns, missed his deep, longing kisses, and the warm, musky scent of his desire.

They wriggled free of their clothing and Eirene lay back thighs spread wide, inviting him into her. He studied her and for a moment she wondered if perhaps he was not ready. But she looked downward to where his thick cock was rising from the dark curls between his legs and she knew he was not hesitating, but rather appreciating her body, taking in the sight of her open and wet and ready for him, hungry for him.

He touched her softly, spreading her lightly furred lips, and teased her clitoris with practiced fingers. She had reason to be grateful to the women who came before and taught him how to play a woman’s body like a fine instrument.

His fingers entered her. She surged up and gasped, and Simon laughed with such happiness that she thought perhaps they had passed the worst of it. And then he knelt between her legs and entered her slowly, carefully, filling her, spreading her open. As he moved inside her, she made little mewling noises of pleasure, a pleasure that grew and grew until she thought that there must be a release soon or she might die of it.

And then she felt it, the hot gush of his seed into her, and it was enough, too much, just the push she needed to explode into orgasm, crying out because the feelings were bursting out of her, not just the sexual release, but joy and adoration, and even faith in what the future held for them. She cried out “Simon!” and fell back onto the bed, gasping, legs locked around his waist. And Simon slumped down on top of her, his chest working like a bellows.

“Oh God,” he moaned, “that was… I’ve never…” He laid his hand on her face and turned her head so that he could look into her eyes. “You are the best thing that ever happened to me,” he whispered, still breathless.

Eirene wondered if you could die of happiness.

The wedding felt like a rebirth to Simon. Depression had been savage, stealing months of his life, forcing him to go through the motions without actually feeling anything. He learned how to do his job but did it without joy. He spent time with Eirene, and was grateful, but again, it was joyless. And it shouldn’t have been. Being with her should have been transcendent. She should have enriched his days and nights instead of simply keeping him anchored to life.

And Athena? He should have cared that she had been befriended by Kosta, but somehow it was impossible. He thought of the two of them together and felt nothing. He could not protect her beyond telling her, before she left for London after the funeral, that he had met Kosta and knew him to be unreliable. To her credit, she had said, “I’ll take that into account. Thank you.”

Perhaps she was growing up. The old Athena would have argued with him, challenged him, flouted Kosta and insisted that she would do whatever she wanted. Perhaps grief had matured her as well, or perhaps she was simply humoring Simon. Whichever it was, he found he couldn’t worry about it.

But once he began to feel better, to come out of his funk and live again, he found himself fretting about Athena. Could it really be that easy to put her off of Kosta? And what was Kosta’s intention? He’d heard nothing from the man since the day Kosta had arrived on Halithos with Athena. That was worrisome.

He decided he needed to talk to Athena. The holidays were approaching, and there would be time enough to sit down with her and find out if Kosta had tried to insinuate himself into her life. She hadn’t mentioned Kosta again, and Simon thought that was probably a good sign.

On the day she was to return, Simon and Eirene drove out to the airstrip to meet her plane. Simon was in good spirits and looking forward to the holidays, and to spending his first Christmas with Eirene, and going into a new year as a married man.

And then Athena stepped off the plane with Kosta.

Simon’s emotions, which were still unsettled, boiled up at the sight of his former business partner and he began to shout before they were down the steps.

“What the hell are you doing with my sister?” he yelled.

Athena looked horrified, Kosta’s face was unreadable. They stepped onto the tarmac and Simon grabbed Kosta by the lapels and shook him. “I told you to stay away from her!”

Athena caught hold of Simon’s arm. “Simon stop it!”

“Calm down, old man,” Kosta said, a ghost of a smile on his face. “I told you I’d respect Athena’s wishes, and she wished to see me.”

“Simon, please.”

“Athena I told you what kind of a man he is. What were you thinking?”

“That I love him!” she shouted at him, yanking him free of Kosta. “And that we’re married.”

Simon actually staggered backward, he was that stunned. “What?”

“We’re married.”

He stared at them as if he didn’t even recognize them. Then, quietly, he said, “Get out.”


“Get off Halithos. You’re not welcome here.”

“Simon, this is my home,” Athena protested.

Eirene caught hold of his arm. “Simon!”