Page 116 of The Skeikh's Games

Beau returned to the table.

“What happened to Sasha?”

“She wasn’t feeling well so it looks as if it’s just the two of us. It gives us an opportunity to reminisce about the old days in Paris. I don’t need to look at pictures of BJ and Jacquelyn.”

“You mean JB and Jackie. She’s named after her uncle Jack and my son is named after my Grandfather. We can talk of Paris of course but remind me to call Jackie within the hour. She has been working hard to plan Pops’ funeral so I’m sure she going to bed early.”

Beau and Tina began reminiscing and ordered a second bottle of champagne. His phone was on silent but Trina saw Jackie calling so she covered the phone with a napkin and placed it out of sight. Trina kicked off her stiletto and began rubbing Beau’s leg with her toes eventually reaching his crotch where she played with him until he was hard.

With slurred words, Beau protested Tina’s flirtation. “You’re an amazing woman Tina and words can’t express how good you feel but this is wrong. I’m a married man.”

“We’re just playing Beau. I’m sure Jackie’s legs aren’t as long as mine. Remember what I can do with theses gams? Spend the night with me Beau. It would be in honor of your Grandfather. I’ve heard stories about him in the past and he would approve.”

“Pops loved Jackie. I have plans to stay here tonight alone in my room. Walk me to my room and we’ll share a kiss goodnight. I have to be on my game tomorrow and I can tell already that I’m gonna feel like shit.”

“Where’s your room Beau. I’ll make sure you get to bed.”

“I have the entire top floor. I need my phone, I have to call Jackie.”

“No worries Beau. I have everything taken care of.”

They were the last ones in the lounge and the wait staff was waiting for them to leave. They knew Jackie well and hated what they were seeing. They walked to the elevator arm in arm while they were laughing.

“Give me your key card and I’ll make sure you get to bed.”

Tina pushed open the door and with a pull of her sash her dress was on the floor. It was the last thing Beau Savage remembered.

At the Wandering Bison Ranch Jackie was growing anxious. She understood him not answering the phone while he was out with the boys and they agreed he should not drive home. Now it was 9am and Jackie had still not heard from her husband. The funeral was at one and they needed to be there at least an hour early. She was thankful she had Eve to help with JB and that she had experience with event planning. Something always went wrong and she had a back-up plan; except this time.

“I want Daddy.” JB screamed. He was having a meltdown at the worst possible time. “Daddy, Daddy, Daddy.” He stomped his feet.

“I’ll take care of JB Mrs. Savage. You should shower and get dressed. I’m sure Mr. Savage will burst through the door any minute.”

A frantic Jackie stepped into a hot shower in the hopes that it might relax her.

Beau woke with a throbbing headache. He had no clothes on and he found himself lying next to Tina Dorsette who was also naked.

Shit, what the hell did I do?

Beau looked around to find his suite absolutely trashed. The jacuzzi was filled with bubbles and the contents of the mini bar were scattered on the floor. The bedding from the other rooms was on the sitting room floor and the sound system was playing soft jazz. Tina’s hand tugged at his elbow.

“Last night was one for the ages Beau. I thought you were kinky in Paris but you took it to another level. Don’t get me wrong Lover. I enjoyed it as much as you did and next time I’ll be ready for you. I could lay here all day and bask in the afterglow but you and I have to go to a funeral.”

“I remember nothing Tina and I have to get home to my wife ASAP. My wife! This was wrong on so many levels. How could you have let me do this when you knew I was a married man? This will never happen again and I’ll just have to chalk it up to grief. Not a word Tina.” Beau shook his finger in anger.

“I guess this means the invitation to your chalet in St. Moritz is off? You may not remember Beau, but you were the aggressor last night. The servers saw us leave together last night and you had your paws all over me. My friend Sasha saw us in the corridor and I told her she could come in while I put you to bed but you insisted she leave. Remember that?”

“No, like I said, I remember nothing and last night was a mistake. You’re a beautiful woman Tina and you should be with someone who’s available. I love my wife and my son so we’ll act like nothing happened last night.”

“You know you’re a real asshole Beau. I hate being used by a pig like you.”

Tina threw on her dress and carried her shoes as she walked to the elevator. Beau sat on the edge of the bed and cried with his head in his hands. He wasn’t sure if they were tears of guilt or of grief. There was a knock at the door.

“I thought. …Oh, yes.”

“Found your cellphone in the lounge sir. Can I bring breakfast to your room Mr. Savage?”

Beau looked at his nametag. “No Pierre, but you can do me a favor that requires the utmost discretion. Can you please have this room cleaned and allow no one to know that I stayed here last night or that I asked you to clean it. I’ll include something extra in your paycheck.”