Page 115 of The Skeikh's Games

“JB is happy that we’re having a party as he calls it. He’s a little disappointed that there are no balloons and he still doesn’t grasp the concept of Pops being gone. I bought him a new cowboy hat to wear. I’m excited to show him off and introduce everyone to Jason Savage’s great-grandson.

“I still can’t believe he’s gone. He was my touchstone in many ways. For the first time I’m the patriarch of the Savage family and I don’t know if I’m ready for it. It feels as if all the fun in my life is over and it’s time to get down to business.”

“Pops had been retired for years and you’ve already taken over the running of Savage Enterprises. You’ve done a great job, if I may add. The recession could have been disastrous but you managed to make the company as big and as profitable as ever. You have so much to be thankful for Beau.”

JB came running into Beau’s arms. “Daddy. Where Pops?”

He handed JB to Jackie. “I need a drink. Many of my buddies whom I haven’t seen for a while are in town so I’m gonna head over to the resort and throw back a few.”

“Don’t drive home. We don’t want anything to happen to the man we love.” Jackie kissed Beau. “When JB goes down for his nap I’m gonna hit the gym. It’s been almost two years so I can’t use baby weight as an excuse anymore for a couple of extra pounds.”

“I’m not complaining Jackie. You’re as beautiful as ever.” He slapped her ass.

Their home gym was as big as many public facilities. Variety was not an issue. There were free weights, machines, Pilate’s equipment and a yoga cove. If she had gained any weight, it was in her boobs so it was more of a bonus than anything. Jackie had never been more happy and confident with her body and she was certain Beau felt the same.

Beau walked into the lounge at Clear Creek, which Jackie recently renovated as a birthday present. She used the same decorator who did his office so it was rustic but elegant. The heavy wood décor and mounted stags on the walls gave it a clubby feel.

“Hey gentlemen, mind if I join you.” Beau approached a table of old friends whom he had not seen in years. Many of them were from his days in Boulder, Colorado.

“We knew you’d come by. I speak for everyone when I give you my condolences. Jason Savage lived a good life. We’re honored to be here so we can celebrate his life, which was pretty spectacular. Let us know if there’s anything we can do for ya.” Johnathan (Jono) Trout was both a business associate and friend. He owned a commercial real-estate firm.

“There is something I need from you guys.” Beau said and they all looked at him. “I need you to get me really drunk.”

They roared, raised their glasses and flagged down the server.

“What can I bring you Mr. Savage?”

“I want bottles of my finest bourbon from the cellar and anything else my friends want. Their money is no good this weekend. I’ll take care of your tip after they all leave.”

The mood was jubilant. The men ate and drank like kings and it was exactly what Beau had in mind when he left the ranch.

“How’s married life Beau? I finally get to meet Jackie. It’s about time you settled down and you sure jumped into family life with both feet with a little one; it’s only one, right?” Jono asked.

“Yeah, Jono. My son JB is all for now. I’ve had quite a few lifestyle adjustments in the past few years so I think Jackie and I are in a holding pattern. My wife and son are my everything Jono. I can’t wait for you to meet em. Did I mention Jackie’s hot?”

“I’m sure she is Beau. Is she as hot as what just walked in the door?”

Tina and Sasha stopped in for a drink. Of course, Tina thought Beau would be in the bar. She knew where he went when he was stressed. She was wearing a short wrap-dress. The cinnamon shade went well he her golden hair, which she was wearing down with soft curls. Beau had forgotten how tall she was and she had never looked better. She smiled and started walking towards Jono and Beau. Sasha followed and although she was lovely, all eyes were on Tina Dorsette.

“It has been forever Beau. My condolences on the death of Pops. I know he meant the world to you and I’m sorry that it took this for us to see each other again.” Tina gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek then proceeded to pick up his left hand. “What the hell is this?”

“You must have heard that I got married. I know you and nothing flies under your radar.”

“I did hear but seeing you wearing a wedding bad is still shocking. I see that I spent too much time in Paris and you didn’t wait for me. Is your wife here with you tonight?”

“No, Jackie’s at home with our son JB. I’m having what you could call a boy’s night out.”

“No girls allowed?” Tina asked coyly.

“I think I can make an exception. Hello Sasha. Nice to see you two still hang out. Why don’t you both join me and I’ll show off photos of my little cowboy. Jason Beauregard Savage is going to be a lady killer.”

“Just like his Daddy I’m sure.”

“That was the old Beau Savage. I’ve grown up Tina and my playboy days were put behind me the day I met Jackie. Excuse me ladies while I have a special bottle of Champagne and three glasses brought to our table.”

As soon as Beau walked away, Trina pulled Sasha in so she could whisper in her ear.

“Thanks for your help Sasha but I can handle things from here. I’ll say you weren’t feeling well.”