Page 67 of Pretty Stolen Dolls

“Hello?” I answer, my mind absent as I scroll along the screen.

“Hello to you, too,” a deep, familiar voice growls, “dirty little doll.”

My blood turns to ice and the caller—fucking Benny—now has my undivided attention. “Where is my sister?” I demand, switching my phone to speaker so I can look for a number. Thank God there is one. “Where the fuck is she, asshole?”

He chuckles, the tone dark and sinister, just like I remember. My entire body quakes with fear. It’s been years since I last heard his voice, but it feels like only yesterday.

“After you abandoned her—abandoned us both—do you even care? It’s not her you need to worry about anyway,” he spits out. “You need to worry about that motherfucker.”


Pain slices through me at the thought of Benny hurting him too. “No!”


Bingo. Gas station seven miles from here. He’s so close. Shit!

“If you hurt him, I swear to God, I’ll kill you, Benny!” I threaten.

“Benjamin,” he seethes. “You call me Benjamin.”

Ignoring him and pulling up my inbox, I start typing an email to the entire department.

Murder and kidnapping suspect known as Benjamin AKA Benny called my cell. Reverse search says phone call is coming from a payphone at the Stop N Save on the corner of Delaware and Hollister. I’m in pursuit now. Send back up immediately!

I hit send and shove my feet into my shoes. “I’m no longer playing your games, Benny. You’re going to give me my sister and turn yourself in to the authorities.”

He’s not stupid. I just want to keep him talking. The longer he stays on the phone, the better chance I have of arresting him. With my Glock in my hip holster, I bolt out the front door and jog toward my car.

“We both know I’m not going to turn myself in,” he says smugly. “Do you miss me, pretty little doll? Do you miss the way I fucked your tight cunt while you screamed and begged for someone to save you? Do you remember the way you used to come so hard when my mouth was on your pussy? Such a dirty, dirty doll. Why did you run away from me—from us? I kept her just for you and that was how you showed me your appreciation?”

Bile rises in my throat, but I choke it down. “You’re a monster. You better pray my sister is still alive and well. If you did anything to her, I will cut your heart out and feed it to you.”

“You’re so dramatic. Always were a feisty one. There’s no other who compares to you, ” he tells me, his voice low. “Always wanting to be the star of the show. Always wanting me to fuck you instead of her. Such a jealous doll, weren’t you?”

“Fuck you!” I snarl as I speed down the road, my lights on but siren off.

My phone beeps, but I don’t try to answer it. I have to keep his ass on the line.

“You already did, dirty doll, you even asked for it at times. I fucked you many times and God, did it feel good. I haven’t felt anything like it since the day you ran out on me. Truth is, you’re my favorite doll,” he says, a sick smile in his voice. “And I want you fucking back!” His roar causes me to shriek and nearly drop the phone. A terrified sob sticks in my throat, but I swallow it down.

“I’m not coming back,” I hiss, desperately trying to keep the wobble out of my voice.

“Don’t you miss her?”

Tears well in my eyes and I blink them away quickly so I can see the road. “So much.” A whisper is all I can manage.

“What about him? Do you miss him?” There’s a jealous bite to his tone. How he knows about Dillon and me is surprising. What if he’s been in my home?

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I snap.

He barks out a laugh. “Are you not curious how I got your phone number? Your little boyfriend. I keep waiting for you to call him, but you don’t. Seems he’s as disposable to you as we were—I was. I suppose I hurt him for no reason then.”

“What have you done?”

The line is silent a moment and I fear he’s hung up. Finally, he breathes heavily into the receiver. “I needed a boy doll to add to my collection.”

A tear streaks down my cheek.