Page 32 of Good Girl

By the time I had finished and splashed cold water on my face, I had a plan. I would go out there, thank them for the night, take my clothes, and then never show my face outside ever again.

That plan derailed the moment I stepped out of the bathroom and Samuel was there to greet me. My words died in my throat as he took my arm and gave me a bright, warm smile.

“We weren’t sure when you would wake up or what kind of things you liked to have in the morning,” Samuel said as he led me into the kitchen. I was powerless to stop him and unable to think as he sat me down on the stool right next to Derek. I bit back a wince at the pressure between my legs.

“We made a fry up,” said the third man, and he placed a plate in front of me containing scrambled eggs, bacon, and toast. “But if you’d prefer something else, then please just ask.”

“I...” I tried, but the words caught in my throat. The static anxiety in my chest was spreading, and I could scarcely breathe, never mind think. Facing these three tall, gorgeous men knowing that two of them had seen me naked was an impossible task. As was the thought of eating, and my stomach rolled at the greasy smell of the food.

I had to get out of here.

Then, Derek spoke.

“How are you feeling?” he asked, and those dark eyes pinned me in place on the stool. “Last night was your first time getting fucked, right?”

My cheeks flared as if I had been struck, and the third man leaned around Samuel to smack Derek on the shoulder.

“Derek! For fuck’s sake, you’re an asshole in the mornings,” he scoffed. Those bright blue eyes landed on me, and a large smile pulled at his plush lips. “I’m Matt. Don’t mind him. He’s usually in abettermood after good sex, but we were out of his regular coffee. How are you feeling, though? Anything you need?”

I stared dumbfounded at Matt, my mind blank. He wasstunningand his voice was soft and deep like the fuzzy warmth of a teddy bear. Definitely not the kind of voice I expected from a man of his size.

“I’m okay,” I squeaked out. “I’m sorry, I–I think I should go. I really should.” I braced one arm on the counter to push up from the stool, but Derek’s large, warm hand landed on my bare thigh. The touch was like electricity, and I flinched faintly, then froze. It was as if his very fingertips had more control over my limbs than I did.

“No,” Derek said. “I’m sorry. Matt is right, you experienced alotlast night, and you’re not leaving here until you’re properly fed, watered, and cared for.”

“It’s true,” Samuel piped up around a mouthful of toast. “Aftercare is important, and it can extend long after the session. We put you through the wringer last night for sure.”

“Exactly.” Derek nodded. “So you park that ass right there andeat.”

This couldn’t be real. Men like this didn’t care about women like me. If it was just Derek then maybe I could put it down to a fluke, some glitch in the world that was granting me a few wonderful nights with an impossibly attractive man, but this? Three of them, all staring at me like I was something worth looking at?

“Are you making fun of me?” I blurted out before I could stop myself. “This is a joke, right?”

Samuel’s toast paused halfway to his mouth, and Derek’s grip on my thigh tightened a fraction.

“What?” he asked.

“This is just pity, right? You woke up and realized you took the fat girl to bed, so now you’re making a joke out of it to make yourself feel better, aren’t you?” Once I’d started, I couldn’t stop. The anxiety in my chest burst and fed into my panicked thoughts. “Feed her some food, fatten her up so you can all laugh about it later and not feel gross that you fucked me!”

What other truth could there be?



The silence was smothering.

My chest heaved from my outburst, and I had to curl my hands into fists to control the shaking as I faced down all three men. Samuel and Matt exchanged a glance, and it made my heart jump back up into my throat.

“Charlotte,” Derek said, and I glanced warily at him. “I think you’re beautiful, and I certainly don’t have any regrets—”

“No!” I snapped, unable to stop myself. “Stop saying that because I know it isn’t true! There are beautiful people in that class, sure, but I am not, and I’m okay with that, so stop pretending! This is just a game, just a way for you to get pity kicks from the fat girl no one pays attention to!”

Something akin to regret was starting to grow in my gut. I never should have stayed behind that day with Derek. Now I was nothing more than just a joke. The thoughts were constant, the noise in my mind almost overwhelming, and I itched within my own skin.

“So have your laugh, do whatever, but I am—”

“No!” Derek barked so forcefully that I could only stare at him, mouth agape. “Youdon’t think you are beautiful, Charlotte, I understand that, and it pains me, but don’t youdaretry and tell me what I do or do not think.”