“Haley! What on earth—are you okay?”
“Me?” Haley screeched louder. “You’re the one who didn’t come home last night!”
Honestly, I had been hoping Haley would have spent the night with Paul and not noticed my absence, but facing her down, I knew I didn’t care what she thought. Not as much as I used to.
In the past, I had dreamed of having my first time with a guy and then rushing to my best friend to discuss all the sexy details while getting advice on what to do next. My first time had turned out to be quite different, and I didn’t want to share any of it with Haley.
Deep down, I knew I couldn’t for Derek’s sake.
Foralltheir sakes since Derek had revealed all three of them taught here.
“Well, I was with a boy,” I declared.
Haley was so stunned that I quickly brushed past her and moved to my bed. Dropping my bag, I rummaged around for some fresh clothes and my towel, and by the time I turned back to Haley, she had gathered her thoughts.
I tried not to take offense to the sheer disbelief in her tone. “Yes.”
“No one you know.” A lie, but a required one, and a giddy bubble rose in my chest at having to keep such a saucy secret. This was mine and mine alone, and no one was going to take it away from me.
“Bullshit, I know everyone,” Haley remarked.
“Nope, you wouldn’t believe me if I told you, anyway.” I couldn’t hold back a sly little smile, and Haley’s eyes widened, then they narrowed as I brushed past her.
“I was worried something had happened to you. You didn’t call or text, and then you tell me you were out with some guy, and that’sallI get?” Haley furiously brushed her hair away from her face as I reached the door, and I turned to her with a light smile.
“Yup. Actually, I have your jeans to thank for it so...thank you.”
Haley’s mouth dropped open, and her shocked look stayed warm in my mind all the way to the shower. Shewasmy best friend, but the events of the past week or so had me re-evaluating a lot of things. Was that because of the sex? Or was it because Derek and his friends had treated me with decency and respect for such a short time that I could suddenly recognize those around me who didn’t? Whatever it was, for once in my life, I feltgood.
That sensation lasted until I was halfway through my grocery shopping later that day and my phone lit up with yet another call from my mother. I had been ignoring her countless calls and texts, suspecting they were about coming to the inn for the weekend, but as my ringtone blared loudly in the aisle and a nearby customer tutted at me, I caved.
“Hi, Mom.”
“Charlotte! I have been worried sick!”
“What?” I frowned and studied a row of pasta packets. “Why?”
“Haley contacted me last night to see if you had come home, that’swhy,” my mother snapped.
My heart plummeted. Haley had called mymother? I didn’t even know Haley had her number.
“Well, I don’t know why she did that, Mom, but I’m fine.”
“Then where were you all last night? You know, Charlotte, I’m starting to get really concerned about what you are up to at that place. It isn’t safe for a girl like you to act so recklessly!”
“A girl like me?”
“Men will take advantage of you,” my mother ranted. “They see a rotund girl like you and think they can make a game out of you, and I’ve read online about all the drugs that go around at parties!”
“I don’t go to parties, Mom.” It was difficult to withhold the sigh that sat heavy in my chest as she continued on, wording all the internal turmoil I often felt myself. It was easy to see where my confidence issues had started.
“Then where were you?”