I scoff, pretending to not care, even knowing I’m digging my own grave with every action. “You’re loyal to your boss, right? To this family?”

The shadow remains silent.

“That’s what I thought. So why shouldn’t I be loyal to my own family? That’s all we can do in this life to stay alive.”

False. Loyalty to ourselves is the best method of remaining alive. Everyone else is collateral. Dad taught me that.

The soldier still doesn’t respond, but those penetrating eyes hold firm in their stare, making me second-guess everything in my head. I must still be asleep…no?

“Come into the light.”

He scoffs, and instead, leans away, crossing his arms.

“I’m serious. I want to see the man who holds my life in the palm of his hand.”

“In time. There’s no giving without gaining something in return.”

Oh, boy, it’s gonna be a dandy time down here.Now, I’m even second-guessing my plan to hold out the truth for a few days.

If they’re going to battle my father and an entire secret society, then they can’t do it by storming in, half-cocked. I’ll tell them the truth in due time. Enough time has to pass so Dad believes I haven’t cracked during my first day of imprisonment, giving him a chance to amass who he needs to and return to Montreal. Here, they fight on Corsetti turf, and Dad has a better chance of losing.

“What do you want?”

“Truths. Where’s your father? Why did you poison Aurora?”

“I already told the other guy that.” My attention falls on my thigh. “You know, before he stabbed me.”

“What did you mean by it?”

That’s an element of the truth I can’t explain yet, so I repeat, “I needed in here, so I got myself here. You think it’s by accident your men found me? Would you all have been so welcoming had I strode right up to the front door and demanded to chat?”

The shadow is silent, as though he’s thinking over the alternatives. “That’s why you were stupid enough to use your full name on the volunteer documents.” It’s a statement.


“Why’d you need in here?”

“That’s not how the game works. I gave you an answer, told you why I poisoned her. Now, show me who you are. I deserve to see my captor.”

“Your captors are the Corsetti family,” he shoots back right away, an edge to his tone. “But the one with your fragile life in his palm isme.”

Something about that statement makes my heart pound harder, but not in fear. If he is indeed the same brown eyes I’m secretly hoping for, then yes, yes, I do want my life held by him. Even now, after all this time, because I have a shot in remaining alive if it is.

“Does it matter who I am?” he asks.


“You’re very persistent.”

Because I need to know.

“Whyisthat?” he continues. “I wonder if you think I’m someone you know.”

Holy. Fuck. He just confirmed it then. Kinda.

“Maybe I want to match the sexy voice to a face, so I have something to imagine when I’m passed out from blood loss, starvation, or exhaustion—whichever you choose to inflict on me.”

He huffs, which almost sounds like laughter. “You have the same attitude as you had eleven years ago.”