Mackenzie shook her head. “That’s a very sweet speech, but how do you see this working in the long run, Troy?”

I frowned at her. “You, me, together. That’s what I have. I haven’t worked out the rest because without you, this equation falls apart.”

“Your business is everything to you,” she said. “You don’t want to give that up for a woman. I know you don’t.”

“You’re wrong. I want you in my life. We can do this together, work hard, me and you. We can build the empire, and—”

“I’m pregnant,” Mackenzie said flatly.

Blood drained from my face. “What?”

“I’m going to have a baby. That means that I won’t be working all the time. I won’t be building an empire. I’m going to start a family, and since you’re so dead set against it, it won’t work.”

My ears started ringing.

“You’re having a baby?”

“That’s what I said,” she said coolly.

“I can’t have a baby,” I said.

“Yeah, I know. You don’t want kids. That’s why this will never work. It’s a nice speech and I’m flattered, Troy, but you might as well turn around and leave. This isn’t going to work.”

I opened my mouth like a fish out of water, struggling to find the words.

A baby?

A family?

She was right; I couldn’t do this.

“It’s okay, Troy,” Mackenzie said. “You should go.”

I wanted to stay, to fight her, but she was right. This couldn’t work. I was terrified of having children, of having a family. Having Mackenzie was one thing, but a baby…

Someone knocked on the door, and then the delivery guy appeared.

“Oh,” he said when he saw me. “Delivery?”

“Yeah,” Mackenzie said, walking around her desk. “I’ll sign.”

She took the electronic device from the delivery guy to sign for her package, and while she did, I slipped out of the office. I retraced my steps, walking back the way I’d come.

All the while, my mind was spinning. I was walking away from her again. Every time, it seemed that there was another stumbling block, another curve ball.

I’d come here, determined to have her in my life again.

Now, I walked away empty-handed yet again. I still didn’t have her, and it was very clear that now, I never would.

How was this the end if it wasn’t happy? Was I going to live a life without any happy endings, ever?



“CanIcomeover?”I asked when Rachel answered the phone.

My stomach was a knot of nerves, I was anxious, and my breathing came too fast.