“Why not?”

“Because he doesn’t care,” I said hotly. “He made it pretty clear exactly what he cares about, and if you think losing to someone who chooses business over you is bad, wait until that person chooses business over it all—family and kids, too.”

“You don’t know him,” Scott said.

“Yeah, you’re right. I don’t know him the way you do. Hell, I barely know him at all, so you tell me if I’m wrong about what his choice will be.”

Scott opened his mouth to speak before he shut it again.

“I thought so,” I said in a huff. My head throbbed with a painful headache that started behind my eyes. I pressed the fingers of my left hand against my temple, trying to reel it in and pull myself back together again.

“Look, you should give him a chance,” Scott said. “Everyone deserves a second chance.”

“I wasn’t the one who decided to play dirty,” I said.

Scott tucked his hands into his doctor’s coat pockets. “What happened?”

Had Troy not told him what had happened? Maybe that was true—I couldn’t imagine Troy running to his brother with pride after how he’d screwed me over.

I gave Scott a quick summary.

He cheated.

He betrayed me.

Nothing about what we had meant something to him; it was just about the contract.

Scott’s face didn’t betray anything, but his eyes widened slightly when I talked before his expressionless mask slipped firmly into place.

“I understand,” he finally said.

I looked at him, my brows pursing together. “You do?”

He nodded. “Yeah. I get it.”

“So… you’re not going to tell him?”

“Like I said, it’s not my secret to tell,” Scott said. “But if you want to know my opinion, I think you should still let him know. He deserves that much.”

“He doesn’t deserve anything from me,” I said, and I turned on my heel, walking back to where Hailey waited. She’d already paid for our food, and I was grateful.

“Is everything okay?” she asked.

“Yeah,” I said.

That was a lie, but there was nothing else I could do but ride out this storm.



Icouldn’tstopthinkingabout her. Damn it, Iwantedto forget all about her—she was out of my life now that the project was over and the outcome had been decided—but when I woke up in the morning, Mackenzie was on my mind, and when I went to bed at night, her face was the last thing I saw.

“Are you at the hospital?” I asked Scott when he answered the phone.


“Can you do me a favor?”