“I meant about the baby,” Hailey said carefully.

“Oh,” I said, feeling my heart sink. “I guess I’ll have the baby and raise him or her. Rachel is doing it alone, so I can too, right?”

“What about Troy?” Hailey asked.

“Fuck Troy,” I said simply. “I can’t trust him.”

“He’s been there for you through so much,” Hailey said.

“Yeah… and then he betrayed me. I’m too angry to even look at him, let alone talk to him about this. Besides, he made it very clear he doesn’t want kids, so it’s not like he’ll be missing out on something he has a burning desire for.”

Hailey hesitated. “It will still be good if he could help you out financially, if nothing else. I mean, he’s a billionaire, after all.”

“I don’t want his money. It’s worth nothing to me. I can take care of myself just fine, and I’ll do this alone. I’ve done everything alone all my life; this is no different.”

Hailey looked like she wanted to say something, but instead, she sipped her coffee.

I didn’t have the energy to think anymore about what had happened. It had been a long day with a lot of revelations, and I needed time to process, time to just breathe through it before I decided what my next step would be.

“I have to go,” I said. “I still want to see Rachel before I head home.”

“Are you going to tell her?”

I shook my head. “Not yet. I want her to get better without having to worry about everything. I’ll talk to her later. There’s no rush. It’s not like anything big will happen in the next few days. The baby won’t be here for months, and everything else… maybe by then everything will be better.”

Hailey nodded and took my empty cup from me, setting both cups down on the kitchen counter before she walked me to the door.

She hugged me before I left.

“Whatever you need, I’m here, okay?”

I nodded. “Thanks.”

“If I can give you one piece of advice…”


“Tell him.”

I smiled sadly at her. “Thank you for putting up with me tonight. I’ll call you sometime during the week, and we can go out…” I couldn’t drink, so that would be weird. “Or go shopping or something,” I finished my sentence.

“That will be nice,” Hailey said.

I left her apartment and walked to my car.

“Mackenzie?” she called after me, and I looked over my shoulder at her. “It’s going to be okay.”

“Thanks,” I said.

I guess it would be okay, eventually. Everything turned out right in the end, didn’t it?

It just didn’t feel okay now.



WhenIwokeupthe next morning, I felt like shit. My head didn’t hurt, and I wasn’t hungover—getting drunk in the day and sobering up well before bed had its merits.