Troy groaned. “Are you always this tough to work with?”

“Stein doesn’t seem to think I’m difficult to work with.”

“That’s because Stein is a pain in the ass, he doesn’t know it any other way,” Troy clapped back.

I laughed sarcastically. “It’s a good thing you’re your own boss, but you’ve fallen out of touch with what it means to workforsomeone.”

“I don’t see what’s wrong with that,” Troy pointed out.

He was so frustrating! He argued with me about anything, and he clearly thought he was the best in the business.

Granted, he wasoneof the best, but newsflash… so was I.

I glared at him, and he matched my glare. That only made him more attractive than he already was. Damn it, what was it about him that when we got stuck, I wanted him more and more? His gray eyes were piercing, and the way he set his jaw and pursed his lips when he was pissed off—which he was right now—made me want to kiss him.

“Fine,” Troy said, shaking his head. “What’s your great plan, then?”

“Well, I—”

My phone rang, and a number I didn’t know flashed on the caller ID. I frowned. I was in a business meeting, so I silenced the call. I wanted to keep talking but something tugged at my gut.

“I’m sorry, excuse me,” I said, and I grabbed the phone and answered it.

“Ms. Frye?” a woman’s voice asked.


“This is Dr. Forrester. I’m calling you from Union General Hospital. Your sister came into our ER a moment ago, struggling to breathe.”

My stomach dropped. “Is she okay?”

“We have it under control, but she’s asking for you to come in. The children are here.”

“Shit,” I said. “I’ll be right there.”

I ended the call and looked at Troy, who frowned at me.

“I’m sorry, I have to go. My sister’s in the hospital.” I closed my laptop and stood. “We’ll have to do this another time.”

“That’s okay,” Troy said. “I hope everything is okay. We have to get this sorted soon, though—”

“Yeah, fine, I know,” I said. “I’ll call you.”

Troy nodded, and I hurried to the door, grabbing my bag. I let Troy out first and ran to my car.

I made it to the hospital in record time and found my sister in an ER bed. The kids were huddled around her, wide-eyed and scared.

“What happened?” I asked.

Rachel wore an oxygen mask, and her lips were blue when she lifted it to talk.

“It’s an embolism,” she said.

I was dizzy. The room spun around me.

“It’s okay, Mackie,” Rachel said. “Really. They caught it in time. They’re just going through the motions now to admit me and get me a bed. I’m going to have to stay overnight for more tests so they can see what’s up. Can you take the kids home and stay with them until I’m back? I’m so sorry to have to ask—”

“Don’t apologize,” I said. “Of course I’ll take them home.” I smiled at my nieces and nephew. They all looked panicked. Rory was on the verge of tears, so I scooped her up. “We’re going to have a great time, right, guys? Mommy just has to stay here for a bit, but until then, you get me!”