I could look past his hotness and deal with the heat… and still focus on work.

Really, I could.




Mack? What kind of woman let her friends call her Mack? It was a guy’s name. Okay, okay, so she wasn’t exactly the mainstream kind of woman that I saw all the time. She was hot as fuck, beautiful to boot, and she knew her shit. That made her incredibly attractive—I loved it when people knew what they were talking about, and her confidence and reassurance made her a hell of a woman to look at.

She wasn’t high maintenance and a damsel in distress, either. That was pretty intimidating—fuck if she needed a man to save her.

That made her even hotter and even more beautiful, and that was what fucked me up. Because Mackenzie was working on a project with me and I was going to have to see her more often. She was good at her job, so she was a threat, possibly taking the project away from me.

I had every reason to hate her, and I totally did.

Except… I really did.

Seeing her in my office had turned me on, shocked me, bowled me over, and it hadpissedmeoff.

“What’s wrong with you?” Scott asked when I stomped into his apartment.

He lived close to the hospital in a small apartment that was fancy as shit—he didn’t have the square footage but he had everything else.

“Nothing,” I snapped.

“You look like someone pissed in your coffee.”

“Mack did.”

“What?” Scott asked. “Oh, the meeting.”

“Yeah, with Mack Frye.”

“The Happy Meal.”

“Except, it’s not. It was Mackenzie.”

Scott frowned. “You lost me.”

“Mack is Mackenzie. The woman we met at the bar? The one who works for Griffin…”

I watched Scott’s face until he put all the pieces together and came to the right answer.

“Happy Meal is Mackenzie, the hottie who ran out on you?”

I bristled. “Yeah, that one.

“More like Happy Ending, eh?” Scott laughed.

“Fuck off,” I said, shaking my head irritably. “Wasn’t so fucking happy after she left, so don’t even go there.”

“You know what your problem is?” Scott asked, getting up from where he’d sat on the couch to get me something to drink. Coffee, probably, but whiskey would have been a good idea. Maybe he could add something strong to my coffee.

“Mackenzie is my rival?” I asked.

“You have one-night stands because you don’t want to commit to anything, but you wear your heart on your sleeve. That’s not how one-night stands work.”