Troy only grinned at me, which made me think this was his normal MO. That was fine—it meant he wouldn’t get attached, and this would be just sex. I had way too much going on in my life for anything more, and Troy looked like a fun time.

Areallyfun time.



Outside,Troyputhisarm around me and pulled me against him, lifting his other hand to summon a cab.

It pulled up as if it had been waiting just for us.

Troy opened the door for me like a perfect gentleman.

“Where to?” he asked.

“Your place,” I said. I didn’t want him to know where I lived. This wasn’t going to be serious.

He nodded and gave the driver an address a short way out of town.

I frowned. “You don’t live close.”

Troy shook his head. “No good bars in my area.”

I nodded, but Troy didn’t give me time to digest the information. The cab pulled away, and he pulled into me, kissing me again. I got lost in the taste of him—his lips were hot on mine, and his hands knew their way around a woman’s body.

Troy’s hand slid up my leg while we kissed, his finger pushing against my crotch. My skin was on fire, every nerve ending alive, and I was hyper-aware of how close he was. His five o’clock shadow scraped against my chin as he kissed me, his hands were large, and when he cupped my ass and pulled me against him, my hand fell onto his cock, hard and thick in his jeans, his lust echoing my own.

I’d had enough to drink to be drunk, but I buzzed with a high that had nothing to do with alcohol. Troy worked me up into a frenzy, and my body hummed with need.

The cab took us out of LA and toward the suburbs where houses became infinitely larger. The height of the walls and gates was directly proportional to the homes, getting taller and taller as we drove until the cab pulled up in front of a large cast iron gate.

I understood his statement about the bars in his area now. They would probably just have fancy cigar lounges here or something. This place washuge.

Troy had undone my bra underneath my top, and my breasts were free, jiggling as I moved. I tried to reach under my shirt to do it up again but it wasn’t that easy.

I was going to get rid of it soon, anyway.

Troy opened the door and got out first before offering me a hand.

He paid the driver and took my hand, leading us in through the tall gate and down a long driveway that led to a house that looked like it came out of a movie. It had a Tuscan vibe to it, with plants climbing against the Terracotta walls and an immaculate lawn stretched on either side of the driveway.

“This is… nice,” I said. It was more than justnice. This place had all the extravagance and opulence that I could only dream of. It wasn’t a must-have, of course. Everything about this place was nice-to-haves, but God… it would have beenreallynice to have.

“I like to get away from the city, but not so far that I can’t do business. This is sort of a middle ground, you know? It reminds me of the Italian countryside while it’s just around the corner from the office.”

“Practical,” I said.

Troy chuckled, and we reached a tall door.

After opening it, Troy pulled me inside.

He pushed me against the entrance hallway wall and nuzzled my neck, nipping at the skin. His large hand found my breast, and he massaged it before pushing his hand underneath my shirt and my loose bra.

I stopped thinking about money and this house and everything else and lost myself in Troy.

His fingers were hot, branding my skin, and he left goosebumps in his wake.

He pulled me through an archway that led into an entertainment room, and we collapsed together on a large leather couch. His tongue snaked into my mouth, and I relished the taste of him, laced with the beer we’d had.