What exactly was the issue? Mackenzie was standing in front of me like some kind of apparition, hot as fuck and getting hotter the more pissed off she got. She’d made me feel like an ass by disappearing, and now she was just making me look more and more like a fool, and that pissed me off.

“Maybe we should get to work,” I said.

“Yeah, let’s do that,” she said and sat down.

She wore a pair of office slacks, a white button-up blouse, and a black waistcoat over it. Her lips were bright red, her eyes smokey, and fucked if she wasn’t the hottest businesswoman I’d ever seen. She was nothing like the women I’d met before. She wasn’t frilly and soft and in need of someone to save her—that was usually what I ran from. Most women wanted a Prince Charming, and I didn’t want a princess by my side.

Mackenzie was no princess. She could be a knight in shining armor in her full right if she wanted. She sure as shit had the attitude and the self-confidence.

That only made her hotter.

“What does Elecoms want?”

“Shouldn’t you know that?” she asked.

I rolled my eyes. “I’m setting the stage for our brainstorming.”

“Right,” she said. “Well, I’ll recap for you so we’re both clear.” She gave me a pointed look that made me equally hard and pissed off. “They want elegance, they want timelessness, they want an edge.”

I sighed. “I hate it when they don’t know what they want.”

“Right?” Mackenzie said, shaking her head. We had a moment where we agreed on something. “Well, let’s get cracking. We’ll set this as a starting point. They want billboards, television ads, and an exposition that will be decorated to theme, so we’ll have to figure out the advertising for that, too.”

I nodded. “You’ve done your homework.”

“Stein didn’t take me on because I don’t know what I’m doing,” she said.

I sighed. If I’d known this firecracker was on the market, I would have stolen her from underneath Sebastian’s nose. With grit like this, she could be a hell of a secret weapon on my team.

Not that it mattered now. She wasn’t only Griffin’s, she was also my direct competition and fucked if I was going to let her win.

“Right,” I said when we’d drawn up a couple of basic ideas to use as a starting point. “We’ll both use these and then we’ll present in two months and see what they like.”

“Sounds good,” Mackenzie said. “Way to keep it fair.”

“I know how to play the game,” I pointed out.

“Yeah, we’ll see.” She packed up her things and stood. I was very aware of how close she was, the smell of her perfume. It took me back to that night in my bed, her naked body writhing beneath me, the way she’d moaned, kissed me, the way she’d let me fuck her.

My cock twitched in my pants.

“It was nice to officially meet you,” I said, holding out my hand.

“Yeah, sure,” she said, taking it. Electricity ran through my body at our touch. “You, too.”

“May the best man win. Or, you know—”

“I plan to,” she said and offered a sweet smile before she walked out of my office.

I stayed behind in the wake of her destruction, lust humming through my body, but fuck, I was pissed off, too. Just who did she think she was, waltzing into my office, late, being who she was, and acting like she was going to take the prize?

If she thought she was going to win this campaign for Griffin, she had another thing coming. She might have been drop-dead gorgeous, sexy, a feisty woman who was damn good in bed and set me on fire, but she was still my nemesis by association, and if there was one thing I wanted more than winning, it was beating Griffin Solutions.

I cracked my knuckles. Oh, this was going to be fun.