Page 17 of Starlight

To my surprise, Gerard laughed. “The cops aren’t going to do anything. Half of them come to me for services. Save yourself some trouble.”

I clenched my jaw. “No.” I really hoped he was exaggerating.

Gerard shoved me with both hands, hard enough for me to stumble and almost fall. He came after me, but a large hand grabbed his arm and yanked him back before he could get to me.

I heard Marco D’Angelo’s deep voice. “You don’t want to do that.”

Gerard whirled around, ready to strike out at the person who’d thwarted him—until he got a good look at Marco. Gerard was big, but Marco was a mountain. Solid. Strong. Immovable.

“Who the fuck are you?” Gerard spat.

Marco smiled. It was not a nice smile. “You don’t want to know who I am, trust me.” He looked at me and asked, “You all right?”

I nodded. “I’m good.”

Tony walked in and took a look around. “Everyone okay?”

“Yeah,” Marco said.

“The police are on the way,” Tony said.

Right on cue, I heard the wail of several sirens heading in our direction. I pulled my keys out of my pocket and turned to Gloria, who stared wide-eyed at Marco. “Gloria, would you please go sit with Jean-Pierre for a while?”

Gloria nodded and took the keys. “Sure.” She hurried down the hallway, away from the impending chaos.

I noticed Gerard didn’t look so sure of himself now that the police were actually on their way. He struggled to get out of Marco’s grip. “Let me go!”

“Not gonna happen,” Marco said calmly. He tilted his head toward the door and said to me, “You should probably go out there and meet the police so they know what’s going on and don’t come in here with guns drawn.”

My mouth went dry at his statement. “Yeah. I’ll go do that.”



The only reason I didn’t lay this rapist motherfucker out was I wantedhimto go to jail, not me. When he put his hands on Liam, I saw red. I should have known Liam wouldn’t sit hiding, waiting to be rescued. He had a protective streak a mile wide. It made me want to kiss him and kick his ass at the same time.

The shithead tried to pull out of my grip. When I wouldn’t let go, he took a swing at me. I grabbed the fist aimed at me in one hand and twisted him around until I had his arm jacked up behind his back, making him yell out in pain. I pulled him close to my chest and leaned in to speak into his ear. “Listen up, asshole. One more move, and I’ll make it so you can never use this arm again.”

I glanced over at Tony. “How’s he doing out there?”

Tony went closer to the window. “He’s talking to a police officer now. There’s two cars out there. The other cop is on his radio. Liam seems to know the woman he’s talking to.” Tony stepped away from the window. “They’re coming in now.”

A moment later, Liam opened the door for the police officer, who stepped inside and scanned the room with her sharp gaze. The officer was a tall Black woman who looked to be in her late twenties or early thirties. Her name plate read Johnson.

Officer Johnson’s gaze fell on the man I held, and her eyes hardened. “Well, look who we have here,” she said flatly. “Why am I not surprised you’re involved in this, Gerard?”

“I didn’t do anything,” Gerard objected. “This guy attacked me!”

Officer Johnson switched her attention to me. “And who might you be?”

“Marco D’Angelo, ma’am,” I replied.

“Can you tell me how you came to be holding our friend here so closely?”

Tony snorted, and I shot him a glare. I looked back at Officer Johnson. “I observed Gerard here attacking Mr. O’Neil. I took exception to that.”

Officer Johnson’s lip twitched like she was fighting a smile. “That matches what Mr. O’Neil told me.”