Page 12 of Starlight

I was impressed by the way he’d told her to fuck off without actually saying the words.

Her jaw clenched, but she must have seen the wisdom in Marco’s words because she asked, “What have we got?”

I rattled off everything I’d noted when I examined the other three people and then got back to work on Marco’s arm. When it was finally done, he had twenty stitches. I put on an antibiotic ointment and covered it with a gauze bandage.

I hated the idea of him putting on that bloody shirt again, so I asked, “Do you have another shirt here that you could wear?”

“Tony’ll find me something,” he said.

I nodded. “Okay.” I packed up my supplies and put the medical waste in a bag to dispose of later. Marco stood and took his shirt completely off. My mouth went dry. My eyes took in his muscular chest and torso. The man had an honest-to-God six-pack. My gaze traveled from the hair on his chest down to the happy trail that disappeared under the waistband of his dress pants.

Marco cleared his throat, and my eyes shot up to meet his amused gaze. My face heated, and I was sure I was blushing to the roots of my hair. Damned fair Irish complexion.

I awkwardly jerked my thumb toward the exit. “I should probably get out of everyone’s way. I’ll see you around sometime. I guess.”


My name in his deep voice sent a shiver down my spine and heat directly to my groin. I swallowed and cleared my throat. “Yeah?” I asked hoarsely.

“Thank you. You stepped up when you didn’t have to.”

The warmth of Marco’s praise washed over me. “I’m happy I could help. It’s the least I could do, given everything you’ve done for me.”

Marco looked like he was going to object, but before he could say anything, Tony came over and tossed him a shirt. “You’re attracting a crowd,” his older brother grumbled.

I turned around, and sure enough, most of the women and a few of the men were staring at Marco. The man in question snorted and carefully pulled on the black T-shirt. I silently mourned the loss of the lovely display of manly beauty.

Tony put his hand on my shoulder. “Can I talk to you for a minute?”

I wondered what he wanted. I didn’t think I’d messed up anything. “Sure,” I said. I grabbed my bag and told Marco, “Make sure you go to a doctor to have that checked out.”

“Yeah, yeah,” he mumbled.

I shook my head and followed Tony to the exit. “He’s not going to a doctor, is he?”

Tony barked a laugh. “He won’t want to, but I’ll make him. If I have to, I’ll get my mother to tell him.”

I laughed. “Bringing out the big guns.”

“I have to with that stubborn asshole,” he retorted.

Once we were out in the hallway, Tony turned to me and said, “I wanted to thank you again for helping out tonight. It made everything easier when EMS arrived, even though the lead paramedic was bitching about it. Also, Marco is a major pain in the ass about going to the hospital, so you saved me from having to listen to him complain about it forever.”

I shook my head. “Tony, your people saved my life. I can’t ever do enough to repay you for that.”

Tony smiled. “That’s our job. We all love what we do. But that’s not why I wanted to talk to you.” He glanced around the hallway before he continued, “We need a medic on some of our operations. Most of those are ones that, you know, fly under the radar.”

I nodded, wondering if he was going where I thought he was. “Okay.” I held his gaze and waited for him to continue.

“So, like I said, we usually need a medic for those operations because the people we rescue need medical attention or one of our people gets hurt. It’s easier if we don’t have to go to a hospital, in certain circumstances, because they ask a lot of questions we really don’t want to answer.”

“You mean when there are bullet wounds,” I said.


“Are you asking me to come on as a medic for you?”

Tony nodded. “It would be on a case-by-case basis. We usually only need one for the off-the-record operations. And the pay is very good.”