Page 9 of Starlight

“He’s doing the devil’s work!” Carl raged. “You’re in league with Lucifer!”

“Yeah, yeah,” I said. “Lu and I go way back. We get beers every Sunday while everyone else goes to church.”

I heard a deep chuckle behind me. I didn’t turn around when I said, “Hey, Dante.”

“Hey, Chief,” he replied. “Tony sent me to relieve you so you can take care of that.” He pointed at the blood dripping down my left hand.

I growled low in my throat. “Fucker ruined my suit.”

Dante shook his head and stepped forward to take a guard position over Carl, his own sidearm out.

I heard Tony in my earpiece. “Stop bitching about your suit and take care of that, damn it.”

“Aye, aye, boss man,” I snarked. “Is NYPD on the way?”

“Yeah,” Tony replied. “They’re on the way up now. EMS might be a little longer.”

I grunted as I slipped off my jacket. Now that the adrenaline rush was gone, I was starting to feel the pain from my injury.

“I wish we still had a medic,” I complained.

“We’ll find somebody,” Tony said. “It just has to be the right person. You know that.”

“Yeah, I know.”



There seemed to be an awful lot of police in the hotel’s valet parking area. I wondered if something had happened in the hotel. As I was about to hand my ticket to the valet, I overheard a police officer say that EMS would be at least another twenty minutes because of an accident on 7thAve.

Before giving it too much thought, I went over to the officer, whose nameplate read Giordano. He was a middle-aged man with olive skin and dark hair turning gray. “I might be able to help,” I said.

He looked me up and down with a furrowed brow. “You a doctor or something?”

I shook my head. “Not a doctor. I’m a nurse practitioner. I also worked as an EMT while I was in nursing school. My medical bag is in my car. I could at least make sure everyone is stable while they’re waiting for EMS to show up.”

He took a moment to think about it, then nodded. He whistled and waved over one of the valets. “Yo! How fast can you get to this guy’s car and back?”

The valet had that deer-in-the-headlights look on his face. “I don’t know. Maybe five minutes?”

I handed him my ticket. “I need my medical bag out of the trunk. It’s under a blanket.” I pulled out my wallet and held up a twenty. “See if you can make it faster than five minutes.”

The valet’s eyes lit up. “You got it.” He was off like a shot.

Officer Giordano chuckled. “I like you. What’s your name?

“Liam O’Neil,” I replied.

“You do this a lot?” he asked.

I shrugged. “I spent a year working for Doctors Without Borders. I’m used to doing things on the fly.”

He seemed impressed. “I’ll bet.”

The valet was back with my bag in three minutes. I handed him the twenty, and the cop handed him another one. Officer Giordano gestured for me to follow him inside. I put the strap of my heavy medical bag over my shoulder and hurried to catch up.

Once we were in the elevator, I asked, “What’s the situation?”