Page 95 of Catapult

Ingrid’s mouth gaped open and closed like a fish. “I wasn’t aware they had already made a decision about such an important matter.”

“I offered to step into the role urgently since I know many witches will be feeling guilt and fear from their involvement in Deborah’s plot. They need to be resolved of guilt and given a new mission to amend for their wrongdoings.”

A great campaign slogan, Elizabeth, but it is a bit preachy.

Ingrid tried to prevent the scoff in her voice but failed. “And you are the witch for that?”

“Of course. You know the power of my family?” Elizabeth’s shoulders straightened.

The old ‘do you know who I am?’ Classic.

“Your name does sound familiar,” Ingrid admitted.

“Our family line is the same as the protector’s. It is very old, so old we had been assumed dead. But we were hiding.”

“The protector is of your family line?” Ingrid’s question was breathy, and she wilted, knowing the competition was lost.

“Yes. It is also of Fafnir’s line.”

Elizabeth is taking no prisoners. She might as well just say, ‘Bitch, I’ve got portal magic and dragon blood. You’re no match for me.’

“That is powerful blood,” Ingrid managed to say. She turned to me with a bright smile. “No wonder your son has managed to hold such a powerful familiar.”

Elizabeth nodded. “And he needs to learn the power of his heritage. Urgently.”

Ingrid snapped into her gracious host persona and ushered us inside, saying, “Yes, of course. You are most welcome in our library.”

As I stepped on the stairs up to the library, I realized no one was following me. Both Elizabeth and Ingrid stayed in the hallway, continuing their weird witch-off.

Elizabeth said, “Ingrid, I would like your help with my new role, if you would be so kind.”

Like someone had plugged in a Christmas tree, Ingrid lit up and smiled brightly. “Of course. I’d be pleased to help you with your task, Ms. Olsson.”

This lady needs to get her nose out of people’s arses. It’s just sad.

“I’d like to get to know the witches here, research their covens and family lines. As they are residing in your home, I’m sure you, as the intelligent witch you are, made sure to know them.” Elizabeth nodded and glanced up at me. “I’ll just set Charlie up with a few tasks, and then I’ll be down, and we can get started.”

Ingrid vibrated with excitement. Her need to help in this important task, as the underling of the temporary witch’s council member, was written over her face. She waved me up the stairs and flitted away into the dining room. “Karin is in the library at the moment. Don’t hesitate to ask for her help if you need it.”

Elizabeth followed me up the stairs, and when we reached the landing, I muttered, “Well, that was awkward.” I glared at her. “We are trying not to upset the locals, and you’re here for all of ten seconds and being all ice queen.”

She rolled her eyes but asked, “Why are you trying not to upset the locals?”

“Because they look at us like the villagers that hunted for witches.”

“That may be because you are an interesting bunch.”

“It’s not curiosity on their faces,” I muttered as I pushed the door open to the library.

“Truthfully, Charlie, you’re sleeping with your familiar, who is in human form. If witches had a porn category, that would be the most taboo one,” Elizabeth said dryly, and my mouth dropped open in horror. “I expect it’s that.”

“You watch porn?” I gagged.

* * *

I was left alonewith a book on defensive spells and placed at a small desk in a corner of the library. Training to be a witch should have been an epic montage scene of ropes, chants, and practicing spells where magic popped from our hands like a shower of glitter, followed by a scene where we put creepy crawlies into a boiling cauldron. But instead, I felt like I was back at school and in detention.

Sighing, I looked around the library as my mind wandered. What were Clawdia and Zaide were up to? Was she still being a sassy cat? Had Zaide figured out what was up with Baelen?