“You can nap for an hour, but then you need to be alive,” I called, and he acknowledged me with a floppy wave of his hand.
He looked like shit, but he could sleep in the car. We needed to get somewhere safe before we could all truly rest.
Stepping into the bathroom was like entering a sauna, which felt fucking amazing after spending half the evening without a t-shirt. The steam fogged up the mirror, and as I stripped out of my jeans and boxers, I relished in the warmth.
Throwing my clothes on top of the heap of destroyed fabric in the corner, I peeked around the curtain to see a naked Clawdia with her eyes closed and her head back, letting the water wash over her. Her skin was clean of the soot, but bruises and cuts littered her body. Her arms were tight around her waist.
Like I’d watch a lady hug herself when I could do it for her.
I flung open the curtain and climbed inside.
“Charlie!” Clawdia gasped and made a strange twitch like she was going to cover herself but realized there’d be no point.
“Clawdicat. Fancy seeing you here.”
A slow smile crept onto her face. “This is my shower.”
“You shared it with Zaide. Probably looked at his wounds and conditioned his hair. Are you saying I’m not worthy of such consideration? That your witch isn’t as important as your soul pair?” I raised my eyebrow, teasing.
Her face fell, and she stared solemnly. “Never.”
I pulled her into my arms, and she gasped as our bodies collided in a wet slap. “Good. Because I’m feeling really needy right now.” I nuzzled into her neck, and water washed over my head and down my back.
She didn’t care that I was getting her dirty again. She squeezed me tight and stroked my hair. “You don’t need to feel needy. I love you just as much as I love him.”
No one had ever been so open with their love for me. I could count on one hand the number of times I’d heard it from other people. Yet Clawdia handed me her heart on a silver platter and didn’t ask for anything in return.
And that shit needed to stop now.
I wouldn’t have been so worried about her dying if I didn’t love her. I wouldn’t be needy and jealous of the time she spends with her soul pair if I didn’t love her. I wouldn’t be in the shower, hard as a rock and dying to kiss her, if I didn’t love her. It was clear to anyone who had eyes and a functioning brain cell that I loved her.
The brain cell must have been hibernating all this time, only getting up to see what had been going on, before cluing me in on my own feelings. And, well … I had eyes.
They were tracking the drops of water down her gorgeous face and plump lips before staring into her violet eyes. “Fuck past-Charlie for thinking you can’t love in the life-and-death moments. He doesn’t know shit.” I pressed the lightest kiss to her lips and whispered, “I love you too, Clawdicat.”
She blinded me with a bright smile before reaching up onto her tiptoes, wrapping her arms around my neck, and pulling me back to her lips.
I restrained a moan when she captured my lip between her teeth, and my hands clenched around her perfect arse. Our kiss turned feral. My cock ached.
“Fuck. Clawdia,” I panted between hot kisses. “You don’t know what you do to me.”
“What do I do?” she asked quietly, almost shyly.
“You can’t feel me?” I asked. “You can’t feel my cock hard as stone pressed into your stomach? You can’t feel how much I want you?”
Her pupils swallowed the violet of her eyes as they dilated with desire.My girl likes dirty talk.
“This is what you do to me, Clawdia.” I took her hand and moved it between us, wrapping her fingers around my length, and sucked in a sharp breath. She licked her lips as she stared down and gave me an experimental stroke.
Don’t come. Don’t come,I chanted.
I covered her hand, stopping her torturous motions and kissed the corner of her jaw, below her ear. “This isn’t about me. It’s about you,” I whispered.
She licked her lips. “I want it to be about both of us.”
I sucked in a breath as she gently squeezed my cock and lightly scored her nails down my shoulder. “You want to make me come, Clawdia?”
“Y-yes,” she replied shakily.