“I don’t know what’s happened, but he isn’t himself.”
“We will have to wait and see, Little Cat. Try not to worry.” I handed her a plate while Charlie loaded a video about midwives on his phone for us to watch while we ate.
Clawdia hugged him and pressed a kiss to his stubbled cheek. “How did you know I used to watch this?”
“Because it’s so you.” He winked and frowned playfully. “We’re starting from the beginning, though, so no spoilers please.”
We finished an episode and our lunch, and my gaze turned to the bathroom. “Should I make sure he’s all right?”
“He’s probably struggling to have a shit. He’s been asleep for days.” Charlie said as he put another biscuit in his mouth. “Poor guy.”
“Don’t be vulgar, Charlie.” Clawdia snatched the biscuits from him. “And stop eating those before you really are sick.”
As the kettle clicked and I made tea for my humans, the bathroom swung open. Baelen strode straight back to the bedroom, not glancing our way. His towel around his waist, I could see the dark spots on his skin, but his thread still showed as green. I could see why Clawdia was worried, but I didn’t want to upset her further by agreeing.
“What are we going to do?” Clawdia asked in a worried whisper.
“What can we do? We don’t know enough yet.” I handed her and Charlie the mugs.
“I think you’re overreacting slightly,” Charlie said as he blew on his tea.
Clawdia’s cold silence made his eyes shift to meet hers. The violet of her iris burned with violent intent. She asked slowly, “I’m overreacting?”
His eyes widened, and he straightened but ignored me as I shook my head. He shrugged and told her, “I just mean he’s up and walking. Shouldn’t we be celebrating? He was comatose for days, and now he’s not.”
“Celebrating? Celebrating potential brain damage of our soul mate?” Her voice rose to a shrill shriek.
“I’m just saying—“
“I heard what you said, Charlie.” Her voice shook with her fury, and she stood up to hiss down at him. “You think I’m being hysterical.”
I’d never seen her so angry, and I don’t think Charlie had either, because he tried to back track. “I never said—“
I tried to help. “I don’t think Charlie meant—“
But she turned on me, pointing her finger. “Don’t you back him up. I know what you are doing, both trying to placate the crazy woman. Keeping things from me. Whispering about your bro code. Well, I’m sick of it. I feel like an outsider in my relationships with you. I’m worried about Zaide getting taken from us and Baelen having spots, and everyone else is acting like it’s all fine.”
We froze. I didn’t realize the effect we were having on her. In trying to comfort her, we were invalidating her feelings and making her feel ignored.
I almost laughed at how similar we were, how our anxieties mirrored each other. I felt left out of the human culture conversations Charlie and Clawdia had and the shared memories they had with each other. But now was not the time to bring that up. My soul pair was hurting.
“Little Cat—“
“No.” She held out her hand, her chest heaving and her jaw clenched. “I’m done with this.”
“Done with—“
Before Charlie could finish his sentence, Clawdia dissolved until there was only a pile of clothes on the floor where my soul pair had stood and underneath it was a squirming bundle of fur escaping the fabric. In her feline form, she wasted no time in jumping onto the kitchen counter before hoping even higher onto the fridge.
“Little Cat, what are you doing?” I asked.
“Get down from there,” Charlie called. “Why are you a cat?”
Clawdia stared balefully down at Charlie before turning her back and licking her paw. I had to smile at her easy frustration of him, even if I didn’t like that she felt so annoyed that she’d rather be a cat again.
It reminded me of the first time she turned back. When I thought I’d never have my soul pair because she was so heartbroken. When I thought I’d never talk to her again. It might have only been a few hours, but I the food had tasted even blander and my heart felt empty.
When we realized she could be both human and cat, I promised I’d ensure she was so happy she wouldn’t need the comfort of being a cat.