“Perhaps I can help.”
She coughed out a laugh. “I assumed that’s why you were dragged in here.”
“The dragging was unnecessary,” he replied, a smile in his voice. “I’m in need of gossip since yesterday was quite eventful. How did the council take the news?”
“They were angry we didn’t immediately go and get them, but we explained that I had a history with Sigurd which needed to be explained privately.” She paused. “Once we told them everything, they seemed as confused as I was. They are questioning him today.”
“The poor male.”
She made a noise of agreement. “I don’t have any other gossip.”
“Where are Alcor and Arabella?” he asked.
“Apparently, I do have gossip.” She chuckled. “Alcor and Arabella have been moved to a cabin … with Isaac.”
He gasped. “And Isaac is glad about that? Arabella must be very stressed.”
“I’m sure they are all very confused and annoyed. Arabella and Isaac want to get back to their team and help look for Fafnir, but with Alcor’s memory, they are worried about him joining them.”
“He wants to join them?”
“Won’t let them leave without him. He’s being very stubborn about it. But if he remembers what happened while they are in hiding, it could be disastrous and not just to them.”
“Arabella hasn’t explained why she took his fire in the first place?” he asked, and I felt hands on my chest. Large hands. My heart rate picked up as I felt power shift over me.
“I’m not sure she did. But it’s their business,” the female said, but I could not concentrate on her words anymore. The magic the male searched my body with awakened me. Not literally. My eyes didn’t open, but I suddenly remembered everything. The shadows attacking me. Kaatu … taking over my body … portaling.
“Yes?” the male asked.
“You’re being very serious and quiet. It’s unnerving,” the female said. It was a familiar voice.
Clawdia?I struggled to move, to open my eyes, to do something. But my body wasn’t cooperating.What’s wrong with me?
“I can’t heal anything.” The male sighed and removed his hands from my person. “But these dark spots on his skin … I don’t suppose they were there before?”
“They weren’t.”
Dark spots? What dark spots?
The male spoke again in response to my soul mate’s obvious concern. “We will try again tomorrow. We will try every day until he can awaken and tell us what ails him.”
“Thank you. I appreciate you trying.”
“I am in your debt. You tried to stop them. As a small animal, you tried. Then you gathered my friends and led them to me. Thank you, Clawdia.”
It is her. Who is the male? He doesn’t sound like Zaide or Charlie.
“No debt. We are friends.”
“Friends. I like that. Does that mean I can comment on how you have three males attending to your every whim? Because Daithi said I couldn’t bring it up.”
Three … He is aware she is mine, then.
“You can bring it up. I know how lucky I am.”
“I probably shouldn’t mention that you smell like Charlie and Zaide and have a glow to your skin like you were well pleasured?”
Jealousy burned in my chest at the knowledge that she’d been intimate with them and not me. She had a soul connection with both of them, but I was so far behind in my relationships with my soul mates.And what can you offer them? Even your fathers can’t stand you.