Page 66 of Catapult



Sigurd stood up and started pacing the floor as he considered. “I know he has always wished to venture into the interlinked dimensions. Which, of course, he couldn’t do because the natural portals are protected, and when he began attacking witches and I was spelled, I prevented others from opening portals to other realms.”

“Okay, there’s a lot to unpack there,” Charlie said, rubbing his head. “You know about natural portals?”

“What are natural portals?” I asked, frowning because Charlie hadn’t shared his knowledge of natural portals with us, and I didn’t like that.

Sigurd replied thoughtlessly as he eyed Charlie with suspicion. “A portal that exists, and has always existed, to link the realm together. But they are the best kept secret in the realms. Which begs the question, how do you know?”

“I’ll explain later, but I did ask you first, so … age before beauty,” Charlie quipped with a cheeky grin.

Sigurd’s eyes narrowed even further. “You are very insolent for a male witch.”

I coughed to cover my laugh, but I must not have been very convincing, because Charlie glared at me.“Keep laughing. See if I don’t spank your arse.”

“You can’t threaten me with a good time,”I replied, mostly because I’d seen something similar said in a film and wanted to pretend like I hadn’t just shivered at the thought of his hands on my behind.

Sigurd sighed and sat back down on the sofa. “The portals have been guarded by my family since the fall of the titans. We had the most knowledge of the otherworlds and their people and spent so much time around the natural portals that we were used to such power. It wouldn’t overwhelm us. That’s how I was chosen to be the protector.”

My eyes widened and snapped in Charlie’s direction. He was just as gobsmacked.“Are you okay?”

“For a kid who grew up with no family, they seem to be sprouting up all over the place now.”

“Family is good,”I replied.

He met my gaze with somber eyes.“Unless it isn’t.”

Charlie swallowed. “So, you’re like my uncle from a thousand years ago?”

“Sorry?” Sigurd spluttered.

“My uncle,” he repeated and then explained, “My birth mother’s family guard the natural portals. They also happen to be descendants of Fafnir. I think he found one of your sister’s descendants and married her after Clawdia died.”

“He … married into my family?” Sigurd’s skin turned mildly green, and he leaned to hide his head in his hands.

Zaide mumbled, “It would make sense if the portals were what he was after.”

After taking a few deep breaths, Sigurd shook his head. “Perhaps he did find my family. After all, he knew there was a reason I was chosen. But the natural portals are a secret we guard with our lives. We take an oath—“ He slapped his hand over his mouth and spun to look at Charlie. He pointed, confusion and anger in his eyes. “An oath we have just broken. How?”

“I haven’t made an oath. And maybe the oath you made has faded because you died? Or maybe because you aren’t in the family anymore?”

“Charlie!” I gasped.

“It’s all right. He’s correct.” His lips were pursed as he said, “With my deaths and my marriage, I could hardly claim my name.”

“Bloody matriarch,” Charlie grumbled.

“We are going to be stuck for last names, then, because I don’t like either of mine. Zaide doesn’t have one. And I’m not sure about Baelen.” The words were out of my mouth before I could stop them, and the resulting silence made a blush creep up my neck to my cheeks, making me really warm all of a sudden.

“Cute that you’re thinking of getting married already, Clawdicat,” Charlie chuckled as Zaide squeezed my hand and smiled, “but I think we’ll just pick a team name. Like Avengers or Famous Five.”

I narrowed my eyes. “There’s four of us.”

“Fantastic Four, then.” He threw his hands up. “What do you want from me? There are more important things going on.”

With Charlie’s reminder, our joyous interlude turned sour, and I turned back to Sigurd to see his head buried in his hands.