We made ourselves comfortable, Daithi lying on the small sofa and Clawdia kneeling at his side on the floor while I sat in the armchair. “Clawdia is going to hold your hand and focus on images of Fafnir. All you need to do is follow my instructions and allow any visions to come into view.”
He nodded his agreement, and Clawdia took his hand.
“We start with our breathing—“ I began. I talked him through relaxing of all his muscles one by one, and when I saw his breathing deepen, I knew it was time. “Open your mind’s eye and be thankful for the visions you are given. Ask for the Fates to guide you. Ask them for sight of our enemy. Of Fafnir.”
Clawdia peered anxiously at Daithi.“Is it working?”she asked me silently.
“We can only wait and see.”
“Should I keep hold of him?”
“If it worked, I think you can let him go.”
We waited in silence for half an hour. Clawdia let Daithi’s hand go and joined me on the armchair, snuggling into me and enjoying the quiet. Savida fluttered around, trying to keep himself busy so he didn’t focus on the unnatural stillness in his soul mate. A loud gasp startled us, and Daithi jumped up, blinking rapidly.
“I saw him … I saw what I wanted to see.”
I stood as elation raced through me and spread a huge smile across my face.It worked.“I knew you could do it.”
Daithi looked disbelieving and confused but not unwell. “How?”
“Because you do it all the time but in a much slower way. You wanted to find me my soul pair, and eventually, you saw a vision. So many times, you’ve asked for a vision but gave the vision no time to arrive, so it forces you. Makes you ill,” I explained. “How do you feel?”
Daithi blinked. “Unchanged.”
“What does this mean? You feel unwell?” Savida asked frowning and fluttering around Daithi anxiously.
“No, I feel as though I did before the vision. I feel as though I had a nap.” Daithi shook his head, utterly bewildered.
A knock sounded at the front door, drawing our attention away, and Charlie pushed into the cabin. “Council has called us. It’s time to plan a dragon roasting.”
“What are you doing here?” I stopped abruptly as I entered the dining room of the main house. Clawdia bumped into my back, but I didn’t move. I stood frozen at the sight of my birth mother sitting at the table with the council members, sipping on a cup of fucking tea like it was just an average Tuesday.
She just arched a perfectly plucked brow and smiled. “You asked me to come, did you not?”
The room turned silent as everyone watched our exchange.
My eye twitched as my blood pressure spiked. “How did you even get here?” I asked.
“By plane.” She sighed and set her cup down like I was an exasperating child. “Really, Charlie, it’s as though you’ve never seen someone travel before.”
I scoffed and stepped back in disbelief.The nerve of this fucking woman.
“I’ve never seen my birth mother in person before, so forgive me for being a little stunned that you’re suddenly here.”
She shrugged. “I’m the same as I am in a dream.”
“Okay, yeah, it’s totally not a big deal at all. I’m actually bored of you already,” I said sarcastically and looked at Zaide with eyes that said “Can you believe this bitch?”
“Charlie …” she sighed.
Marianne coughed, drawing all eyes to her. “As much as I love watching a family drama, can we get on with our meeting? Time is of the essence.”
Clawdia took my hand and squeezed, looking up at me with questioning eyes. I squeezed it back and pulled her to sit at the table, trying not to feel the piercing gaze of my birth mother watching us.