He sighed and tightened his arms around me. “Tensions are high right now, and our emotions are turbulent. But I will never do anything to cause you intentional pain, Clawdia. I didn’t tell you my suspicions because you wouldn’t be able to do anything and the worry would drive you mad.”
I nodded, nuzzling into his chest. “I know.”
Zaide kissed my forehead and said, “Wipe your tears, Little Cat. All is well. Let us heal our friends while we are here.”
“These are the healers you said would help the team?” the doctor asked, the disdain clear in his voice.
All of us turned in his direction to glare at him as he walked out of Baelen’s room.
“They helped save the protector,” Laurence told the man calmly as he closed the door to Baelen’s room behind him.
“That remains to be seen,” the doctor mumbled as he adjusted the thick glasses on his nose.
“Besides being powerful healers, Clawdia was a nurse in her past life. They’ll be able to help.”
“Laurence is becoming one of my favorite people. He’s a good man,”I told Charlie.
“It’s the long red hair and beard that really does it for me,” Charlie replied.
“And yet cries at the sight of an injured man.” The man sneered.
Charlie huffed. “Look, doc, they are fucking titans and can heal almost anything, hence the tears at Baelen because it’s clear there’s something else the matter with him.”
The doctor straightened his shirt and addressed Laurence when he said, “I’ll be taking my lunch.”
We were silent as he picked up a few items from the table and left the cabin, the door banging loudly behind him.
Laurence sighed and stroked his beard. “Don’t mind him. Apparently, he’s a grump anyway, but it’s worse since the island has been occupied. He doesn’t like actually needing to treat people.”
“You don’t need to apologize for him, Laurence. I’ve met many doctors with a superiority complex,” I replied.But I won’t be leaving Baelen with him.
Laurence opened a door into a large room with three beds, and we followed him inside. I recognized Alcor but only knew from the story that the other occupants were Arabella and Isaac.
They were all cut up and bruised, as you’d expect from someone in an accident. But the tops of Alcor’s wings looked scratched and punctured. While they’d all been cleaned of any dried blood, it was clear the doctor was relying on their supernatural healing to save them instead of medical intervention.
Stupid, arrogant little man.
“How are they?” Charlie asked.
Laurence replied, “Your familiar might be more qualified to say than I.”
I focused on the patients, and their threads became clear. “Isaac seems to be healing fine and is improving by the second. But Alcor and Arabella have orange and red threads.”
“I will be outside if you need anything,” Laurence said quietly and closed the door behind him.
Zaide immediately moved to Alcor’s side and lowered his hands to touch him.
“And are you going to heal Arabella too?” Charlie asked.
“Why wouldn’t I?” I replied.
Charlie crossed his arms and glared at the unconscious purple-haired woman. “She took Alcor’s fire, and he’s been buried alive for years.”
Zaide, with his eyes still closed and power pushing into Alcor’s threads, said, “It’s not for us to decide what her punishment should be. We don’t know her reasons. It’s for Alcor to decide.”
“You’re a better person than I am, Clawdicat,” Charlie mumbled as he leaned against the back wall. I put my hand on Arabella’s arm.
Zaide’s eyes opened, and Alcor’s threads were green and healthy again. The wounds in his wings had completely vanished.