Is it too much to ask to find your soul pair and soul mate and have time together without being in perilous situations and mortal danger?
“How long do you imagine this will last?” The question was out of my mouth before I had a chance to stop it.
“What?” Clawdia stopped folding a t-shirt to frown at me. I felt Charlie’s piercing gaze too.
I didn’t want to worry them with my dark thoughts or my sober feelings so, swallowing, I chose my words, my tone, very carefully but gave them my honest truth.
“We will have to wait for Fafnir to be defeated and the protector to die once more before the portals are reopened. He is young again now. That is … a long time until I can rescue my siblings. A long time until Baelen can join us.”
Clawdia moved to the bed, dropping the shirt and brushing a hand over my hair. “I miss him too. I hope for everyone’s sake this is dealt with quickly, but if it isn’t, if it takes us years to stop Fafnir, if the protector looks to live another seven decades, we will find a way to search for your siblings and reunite with Baelen.”
I hated seeing the concern on her face, although I relished in her soft voice and gentle touch.Stupid titan, you shouldn’t cause her more worry. You should be strong,I berated myself.
With a stiff smile, I said, “You are correct, Little Cat. I apologize. I should concentrate on the present and not allow myself to get overwhelmed by the vastness of the future. It will all work out. That, I am sure of. I have you and Charlie and Baelen. We are a team, and we will be victorious.”
Clawdia frowned and opened her mouth but was interrupted by Charlie.
“That’s the spirit.” Charlie slapped my thigh as he sat up. “You should start a podcast, you know. It could be calledTitan Vibes.”
“I do not know what a podcast is, Charlie, but I will take your comment as a compliment.”
An undeserved one.
A knock interrupted us, and Savida peered around the door. He looked … scared. “Forgive me for intruding, but Daithi has woken from his vision. I think it’s important you know about it.”
I scrambled out of bed, as did Charlie. Clawdia was already following Savida into the corridor and toward their bedroom.
We crowded into the room, standing around the bed as though Daithi would not see the morning. His eyes flickered open and locked on mine.
Dread sat heavily in my stomach.
The vision is about me.
A sheen of tears gathered in his eyes.
It’s bad. He’s never seen anything bad in my future before. Certainly not enough to make him cry.
“Do I die?” I asked quietly.
Clawdia’s head snapped toward me as she gasped. “No. Surely not.”
Daithi shook his head.
“What did you see, Daithi?” Charlie asked.
“You are imprisoned,” he croaked.
“Alone.” It wasn’t a question. I wouldn’t allow Clawdia nor Charlie to end up captured, especially now that I knew it was fated.
“Why alone? Why aren’t we with you?” Clawdia asked, panic rising in her voice. She took my hand, gripping it firmly as though holding me now would stop me from being taken from her in the future.
Daithi sat up in the bed, and Savida fluttered worriedly around him. “I’m not certain, Clawdia. I only saw him.”
“Don’t get upset.” Charlie tucked her into his arms and stroked her head.
“I’m injured?” I asked.
Daithi’s jaw tensed. “You’re … unable to escape.”