Page 126 of Catapult

Oooo, interesting. The one that pissed herself has clearly done something wrong. Something to do with me?

“I didn’t mean to. I didn’t know,” the one on the floor whimpered.

What didn’t she know?

Another voice sighed.“She didn’t know about me.”

“You? Who are you? Where are you?”I tried to turn to see where the voice was coming from, but it felt like my head was on a stalk and I couldn’t get my neck to bend the way I needed. It was a whole thing. I’m sure the two tiny ladies were enjoying the circus show.

The voice continued calmly, “I am you. You are me. We are two souls sharing the same bodies. One Drakorian. One dragon.”That didn’t make any fucking sense. I might be confused, but I knew I wasn’t a dragon. Or a Drakorian. I was Charlie. Very human. Very boring. Very good at tracking. Charlie.

But I went along with it. What else was supposed to do?“Dragon. Do you have a name, dragon?”

“No. I share your name.”

Maybe I don’t want to share my name. You’re already sharing my head,I thought, pouting only because this voice was being far too reasonable when everything was very confusing.“But you are you,”I tried to reason.

“Yes,”he replied simply, and it made my head hurt.

“So can I call you Dralie? Like Dragon Charlie?”

He hesitated, and I took the time to look down at the tiny women. They were whispering, but I wasn’t interested in what they were saying. There was a greater mystery occurring in my mind. Finally, Dralie said,“I’ve never had a name before.”

“You share bodies with a lot of people?”I asked.Maybe this is a normal thing, and I didn’t know. I do seem to have forgotten a lot of things.

“Not many. But Drakorian’s have always preferred to think themselves in control.”

“What’s control? Can’t control much in life. Seems wrong you don’t get a name. So, what’s going on, Dralie? How come you’re here?”

“I’ve awoken. Usually, I awake during the pubescent stage of life, but I can see here that you are much older.”

I could hear page flipping.Is he looking through notes on my life? This is crazy weird.I hoped it had the last few chapters in there, because I didn’t have a clue what happened or what I’d missed. It would be good to know.

“So, you’re awake. Great to meet you,”I said, actually a bit excited. I didn’t know what it all meant, but company was always nice.

He returned my happy sentiments.“I look forward to gathering our hoard together. We have many years to make up for if we are to attract a mate.”

“A mate?”Something tickled at the edges of my mind. A thought or a memory or something, but I lost it before I could see exactly what it was.

“Yes. But we can do that later. We are in my form, so we must be in danger. Don’t worry, Charlie. I will guide us out of this.”

“Charlie?” The sound of the small woman’s voice drew my attention back to her. She did look very familiar, but as I reached for the thought or memory, it slipped through my reach.

“Yes?” I replied, trying to be polite so she didn’t continue to look so frightened. There was only so much fun to be had when someone was terrified of you for an unknown reason. I didn’t want to realize that I was actually just Spongebob with bad breath when I believed I was a petrifying bad ass.

But when I opened my mouth and said the word, I made the same strange, gargled noise as before. And the same reaction happened, white faces and the overwhelming smell of sweat.

“You are in your Drakorian form, Charlie. You must stop roaring,”Dralie told me, and I paused. It was the second time he mentioned this Drakorian thing. And roaring? People can’t roar.Wait. Am I a dragon?

The woman spoke again and took a hesitant, shaky step toward me. “Charlie. Please. If you can hear me, I need you to listen. We don’t want to hurt you, and you don’t want to hurt us. Calm down.”

It felt like a lie, even if I didn’t have my memory to prove it. I knew the one woman had already hurt me because I was still bleeding out somewhere and dying. Just reminding myself of the pain made me furious, and I said, “I am fucking calm.” But there was no denying it this time. I roared.

And clearly, she didn’t believe me, because she muttered a spell and tried to trap me in a cage. But it fizzled when it touched me, and I choked on a laugh as her face fell from determination to fear.

“Oh, goddess,” she whispered, and the other woman whimpered again, scooting back to the wooden fence. Which, now that my head and neck were pointed in the correct position, looked less like a fence and more like a small wooden wall.Is this a home? Where is the roof?

“Dralie, did you see that? The woman tried to attack us with magic! When I wasn’t doing anything wrong!”