“Who would do that? And why?” Charlie waved his hands in exasperation.
Elizabeth interrupted with a shake of her head. “Ingrid has just gone through pictures of each and every witch on this island and told me of their families and specialties. No one here has that kind of magic.”
In the silence that followed, I deliberated on what we knew about Baelen’s condition. Other than acting differently, the only other clues we had about what happened to him, were the strange portal and the shadows who might have attacked him in the dreamscape.
“What do you know about shadow people?” I asked.
She jolted with surprise and frowned. “You think shadows have done this?”
“They attacked him in the dreamscape. The portal was smokey.”
She tilted her head. “Their natural portal was destroyed in the fall, but our family continued to guard it. They could move with the shadows, live in them. It’s how they can access the dreamscape. In the shadow of their mind.”
“Could they possess a person by being in the shadow of their mind?” I asked.
“I don’t think it’s possible, but if you’re sure it was shadow people who attacked him …”
“We are used to the impossible happening to us by now.” Charlie sighed and rubbed his eyes. “What can we do? How do we get the shadow out? And why would it only want Clawdia? What’s the plan here?”
“Who knows what the shadow wants. But they must be very powerful to have possessed someone through a dreamscape and then use their power to portal here.”
“Their power?” I asked as a shiver ran down my spine. “The shadow might be able to use Baelen’s powers?”
“Shadows can’t portal. They travel through shadows.”
“How do you know this?” Charlie asked.
“We know a lot about the people of the realms. We have to.”
“So we really think Baelen’s possessed?” He asked.
“You’ll need to watch him carefully.”
“We need to watch everyone carefully. Why is nothing simple?” Charlie moaned and nudged my arm. “Let’s head back. All this talk of possession is making me itchy.”
“Charlie,” Elizabeth called as we passed her. “Tomorrow, I expect a little more focus on your studies.”
His shoulders slumped as soon as we left the library, and he mumbled, “I’m back at school again. This is a nightmare.”
“Charlie, my soul mate may have been possessed by a shadow. That is a nightmare.”
He patted my back. “We’ll figure it out.”
As we were walking back down the hill, two familiar figures were walking in the opposite direction.
“Zaide, Charlie!” Savida waved, his big grin bright. “We are just on our way to dinner.”
“God, I’d kill to order a pizza now,” Charlie muttered. “I don’t want to go back up there after I’ve just escaped. Even for food.”
“I just want to check on Clawdia, and then I’ll go and get some for us,” I told him.
Savida looked between us. “Yes. She stormed into the cabin while we were talking to Baelen. She looked very pale.”
“Your soul mate seems to be very uncertain about what it means to be soul mates. I thought he would have known more since his parents were such,” Daithi added.
I frowned. “He does know about soul mates.”
Savida shook his head. “He was asking us about using each other’s magic.”