Page 97 of Catapult

“I did but I wanted to know what it’s like since I haven’t ever met one or anyone with one before.”

“There’s probably more to learn from your books than from me. I’m still learning myself.”

I jumped back as Karin suddenly sat on my desk and pushed my book out of the way. “Books are great, but there’s something to be said about experience.”

I looked up, confused. “Is that why you’re hanging out with Clawdia so much? Because she’s a familiar?”

She shrugged and crossed her legs. “I think it’s fascinating that she was able to turn human. But it helps that she’s a nice girl too.”

“She can be,” I muttered, thinking about the broken bowl.

“But nice girls don’t have as much fun as bad girls,” Karin whispered, “We could be bad together.”

I froze. “Are you coming on to me right now?”

I took a moment to actually look at her face and saw … desire? But it looked strange.What the fuck is going on here?She knew I was with Clawdia, so I didn’t know why she thought it was a good idea to come on to me.

But I gasped as a sudden wave of lust hit me out of nowhere.And why the fuck do I have a hard-on right now?I looked down at the traitorous cock.Why the fuck are you here? There’s nothing good happening right now.

“If it’s not obvious, then maybe I should do something to make my intentions clearer.” She leaned closer, and I scrambled out of my seat away from her.

“Er—no. Thanks.”

“I’m not stupid, Charlie, I can see your cock is hard.” She nodded at my dick like I wasn’t aware.

I covered my crotch and explained in a rush, “That is not about you. It’s not even about me. This is one of those mystery erections the universe likes to throw at guys for jokes.”

But when my knees almost went from under me and I had to grab on to a shelf for support, I realized what was actually happening.

Clawdia and Zaide were having make-up sex without me.Fucking bastards. I’m here working, and they are prating around.

“Charlie? Are you okay?” she asked, getting off the table to approach me.

I picked a book off the shelf and held it in front of me to warn her off. “Yep. Fine. Thanks.”

“You look uncomfortable. Let me help you.” She walked like a cat stalking their prey, swaying hips and narrowed eyes.

Jesus Christ, is this actually happening?“I’m totally fine, thanks.” I stumbled behind another desk to shield me. I hadn’t been pursued like this since primary school when the girls played kiss chase.

With a huff and a stomp of her foot, she stopped. “Are you really so besotted with her? She’s your familiar. She has a soul pair and a soul mate. You don’t need her.”

I gaped at her. “I’m not sure why you thought I’d be into you. You know I’m with her. I love her. And this whole thing has come out of nowhere. The only person you’ve shown interest in is Clawdia, and that’s because you want to know about familiar stuff. What the fuck, Karin?”

Her face changed, and she sneered, “I didn’t want you anyway,” before storming out of the library.

What the hell was that?

When Naomi—at least I thought it was Naomi, because I couldn’t tell the difference between the twins—walked into the room, I was still standing there, processing the trauma of it all.

I’m going to fucking kill Clawdia and Zaide when I see them.I thought inopportune boners were a thing of the teenage past.Fucking horny bastards. And not even going trying to wait until I got back. Rude.

“Everything okay in here?” she asked, her eyes wide and full of mischief. “I just saw Karin storm out.”

I blinked. “I’m not ready to tell you.”

She raised a brow but looked down at the book Karin had been reading. “Researching enchanted blades. Very Karin,” she muttered.

“Is it very Karin to come on to someone out of nowhere?” I had to ask.