Page 19 of Catapult

“I’ve been before.” Laurence said, “It’s pretty rustic, but it’s the perfect place for the protector to wake up in. Much calmer than a city. Can’t have him dying of shock and letting people portal here again.”

“He’s going to be on the island too? Can we talk to him?” Clawdia asked.

“We’re just waiting for him to wake up.”

I asked, “Do you know where Fafnir is?”

“He flew toward Stockholm, and we lost him among the buildings. We aren’t sure what his human form looks like, so we have some agents following multiple suspects.”

“I can describe him for you,” Clawdia offered, but the pink in her cheeks faded.

“You’ve seen him?”

She nodded gravely. “So have Charlie and Zaide.”

“Clawdia has more … intimate knowledge of his appearance,” I admitted.

And boy, did that piss me off. I’d been so focused on getting Clawdia out of there that I hadn’t taken the time to really look at and remember his face. I hated that she knew him, had married him, was hurt by him, and on top of that, he was my ancestor.Fucking winged bastard. I’ll kill him.

“If you can identify the suspect, it would help us immensely.”

“I’m happy to help.” She gave him a shy smile, and I glared.

“No more smiles,”I told her through our bond.“You’ll make him fall for you, and your dance card is full.”

Her eyes flashed to mine, amusement dancing in them.“You’re so silly. No more boyfriends, I promise.”

I didn’t know why I was getting so possessive, but it was clear to me that after our life-altering shower, any walls I had standing between us had crumbled away. She was mine.

“What are the plans to defeat him?” I asked, trying to get my mind back to the burning issue. Emphasis on burning.

Laurence shrugged. “I’m afraid the council hasn’t shared those plans with me, if they have them. Many agents are hoping that once the protector awakens, he will be able to inform us of his enemy’s weaknesses and the best way to defeat him.”

“Defeat,” I noted. “Not put back to sleep for the witches to raise again?”

Laurence nodded. “Elimination is best for the future of the realms.”

Twenty minutes later, we were on a small boat in the pitch-black water, huddled and shivering as the cold wind whipped around us. It wasn’t a long crossing. Only ten minutes or so, and God only knows how Laurence could see anything, but just as I was sure I’d lose my dick to frostbite, we slowed and pulled up to a dimly lit wooden pier.

“Thank Christ.” I sighed, roughly warming my arms after getting up onto the dock.

I helped Laurence pull everyone up, one by one, holding them for a second as they got their legs under them and then pushing them down the platform and out of the way.

“I can feel the magic in the land,” Daithi muttered, his skin like silver under the moonlight.

“It really is protected?” Clawdia asked. “You can feel it?”

He nodded and put a hand on her shoulder. “We should be safe.”

It was weird to see him being nice to her after everything he’d said and done to her before, but I appreciated that he was taking mine and Zaide’s comments about his attitude toward her to heart and trying.

As I pulled my golden giant friend out of the boat, he almost toppled straight over the deck and into the water on the other side. Savida spread his wings, managing to catch him.

Zaide patted his chest. “Thank you, my friend,” he slurred as he spoke, and his knees shook.

Poor Zaide. What a day for him.

“How far is the cabin?” Clawdia asked as she tucked herself under Zaide’s arm as though she’d be able to hold him up.