Page 18 of Catapult

“We’ll take that risk.”

“Will we be able to go and get him?” Clawdia asked desperately, looking at me for reassurance as she rubbed Zaide’s back. Zaide’s statue impression crumbled under her touch, and he finally hugged her back.

Savida spoke. “No one is suggesting we leave Zaide to suffer his fate for long. As soon as we are able, we will rescue him as you rescued me.”

“Don’t fear for me, Little Cat. I’ll be fine,” Zaide mumbled into her hair.

“See, it’s going to work out. He’ll get caught, and we’ll go and get him as soon as we can.”

No one seemed to be cheered by my statement.Tough crowd.

In the living room, my phone vibrated against the table it had been charging on. I dashed over to it to see the notification. A text that read:outside.

I rushed back into the bedroom. “That’s our ride. Come on team. Shake off the vision blues. Time to rest, recoup, plan, and do a training montage.”

* * *

We gatheredour things and headed out to the car park. As the door shut behind us, Savida called out a thank you to the apartment for safe housing while we were there and said goodbye.Weird demon.

I recognized the man standing by a car waiting for us. “Laurence, good to see you again. Thanks for coming to get us.” I shook his hand.

He gave me a wide smile. “You’re welcome. I couldn’t leave you all to be eaten. Fafnir with your magic would cause us a lot more trouble than you could cause with us.”

“Ah, you’ve been drastically undersold on how much trouble we are.” I laughed as I walked around to the passenger side, opened the door, and jumped inside.

“Glad you found them,” Laurence said as he hopped into the driver’s seat and looked in the rearview mirror at Daithi and Savida. He turned to me. “They portaled away as soon as Daithi woke from his vision saying they had to go and get you.”

Laurence went to put the car in gear and turn the key, but I stopped him. “Before we go, I just need to hack the building records and security to stop the hunters from finding who we are.”

He raised a brow. “You can do that?”

“I’m a hacker. Give me a computer, and I can do a lot.”

I flipped open my laptop and, using the Wi-Fi, managed to get into the records pretty quickly. With a few taps, I changed my name and address and added a different credit card number. Then I went in search of the CCTV. The recording was live, so I had to find the storage for the files before I sent a virus and made the files corrupted and unviewable. Then I crashed the live CCTV.

“Okay, we are good to go. They won’t see us leaving,” I said about twenty minutes later.

I glanced up at the mirror to see Daithi and Zaide fast asleep in their seats in the back of the car and Clawdia and Savida whispering in the middle seats. Laurence didn’t wait around, starting the car and zooming off into the night.

“Where are we going anyway?” I asked.

“We’re heading to a remote island about thirty minutes away,” he told me as he messed with the buttons for the heat since it was a relatively cold summer night. “A few families of witches have lived there in secret for centuries, but they have offered it as a safe haven to other supernaturals trying to escape the chaos of both the dragon and the hunters.”

“A secret island?”

“Only a secret from humans. Most supernaturals can see and visit it, but it’s invisible to humans.”

“How have they kept humans from knowing about it?”

“Magic.” He gave me a look that said, “duh.” “There are protection spells around it, built up over the centuries they’ve been there, so it’s very secure.”

“We are longing for somewhere secure,” Savida added and then gasped as a thought occurred to him. “Perhaps with an excellent shopping facility for a handsome demon to scour.”

Clawdia giggled. “I don’t think a secret island is going to have many shops.”

Savida’s face fell. “This is not the correct secure place for me.”

“But it’s going to keep you safe, so it’s your place for now,” I told him.