Page 127 of Catapult

“I did see, Charlie. Allow me to deal with this. We should leave before anyone else tries to hurt us.”

I knew Dralie had my back.“Do the honors. I can’t believe she’d try to hurt me when I’m already clearly wounded.”

That gave him pause, and he asked,“Wounded? Where?”

I mentally shrugged.“I don’t know for certain. But it feels like something inside me has died.”

But just as Dralie was going to impart some amazing dragon wisdom, the woman tried to attack us again, mumbling something and changing her stance.

Suddenly we seemed to merge. I was Dralie, and he was Charlie. We were one big-ass fucking dragon. And we knew how to work this dragon body.

We simply flicked the woman away before her magic could even form. She hit the wall, bashing her head hard, then fell to the floor. I winced as the wall collapsed on top of her, and the other pathetic woman who whimpered and cried the entire time also got knocked unconscious by a falling structure.Nasty. But efficient.

We didn’t know if they were breathing, and we didn’t care. Anyone who hurt us would pay.

We took off, large wings loosening from behind us as we walked through the remaining standing walls of the cabin and stretched our wings wide. It was then I got a good look at my new body. My yellow and orange scales glinted in the afternoon sun. It was a happy color, but I got the impression it didn’t exactly suit me. Or maybe it was ironic.

We flapped, testing the strength of my new appendages and finding them to be the perfect vehicle for our getaway. With a lot of effort and a helpful gust, we soared up into the air, and suddenly, I could feel the wind over my scales and under my wings, and it was incredible.

As we sailed through clouds over the island, a small projectile fired into the air in front of us, causing us to come to a stop.

What was that?We dove down, angry and full of vindication, and roared, and small people dressed all in black pointed their sticks in the air and began shooting more small projectiles at us.

That isn’t very nice.

We dodged and weaved and flew as though we’d been doing it our entire lives. Like we should have been doing it our entire lives. It was exhilarating and freeing and amazing. Flying couldn’t get any better.

As we flew away, a glint of gold on the ground made us hesitate. Gold wasn’t our choice for a hoard, but it was always pretty to look at, and since we had so much gathering to catch up on, we swooped in that direction. But we found another of the shooting men with his hands around the gold, tugging it away.

My shiny!

We were suddenly furious and roared to scare off the male and take our prize, but they only dropped the gold thing and reached for their weapons. More of them appeared and raced toward us. Inhaling, we gathered all the anger we had and let out a huge breath. A fiery blast knocked most of the males away.

Yes!We reached for the gold with our hind legs and pulled it up to admire. But the gold was not gold. It was a person. A being with golden skin and long white hair.Not a treasure for a hoard.

Huffing with frustration, we dropped the being and flew off, leaving the island behind.

As we glided toward another small island, suddenly very tired and in pain, we wondered when we would get our memories back. We needed to know what the woman had done to us so we could find a way to heal the wound. A dragon couldn’t collect his hoard when he was in pain. A dragon couldn’t impress a mate when he was in pain.

From Dralie’s past experiences, we knew being damaged could take away our ability to bond and transform as we were supposed to. We certainly hadn’t had a typical introduction to each other too, so who knew what effect that would have on us.

How long would we be a dragon? Where were we going? Will we get our memories back?

As we landed in long grass, and waddled into a wooded area, we tried to think about our past but it only made our head hurt. We didn’t need any more pain so we immediately stopped trying to remember.

But the empty hole inside me still ached, and we didn’t know why.



Bellowing pulled me from sleep. Although I couldn’t open my eyes long enough to look for the culprit, I fought the complete exhaustion I felt with a small dose of adrenaline which I got from hearing the loud noise.

Something about it made me scared.

Squinting, I peered into the darkness. But the sound had vanished, and I was distracted by the dreadful feeling throughout my body.

Why do I feel like a stone?Gravity had never been so hard on me. My bones felt like steel, and I could barely move. Yet it also felt as though I was being emptied, drained, and I was shriveling up as more of something important was pulled from me.Magic?