Page 112 of Catapult

“What?” She recoiled. “What did you do?”

“I told her I’m with you,” he replied quickly, and her shoulders relaxed. Pulling her into his arms, he kissed her forehead and said, “I thought it was weird that she was flirting with me because she knew I was with you.”

“Do you think it was because I’m with three men that she thought you were also open?” She asked, and her face fell even further as something occurred to her. Her mouth ran away as she jabbered, “Assuming you aren’t. I mean, we’ve never talked about it. I suppose it’s greedy of me to assume you’d never want anyone other than me, and I’m only your familiar—”

He covered her mouth. “I’m not. I know Baelen and Zaide have each other as well as you, but for me, it’s only going to be you. I can promise you that right now.”

“What if you find a soul mate?” she asked quietly.

“Witches don’t have soul mates.”

“Drakorians do.”

“Well good for them, but that part of me is literally a drop in an ocean of Charlie. I’m not a dragon. And I don’t want anyone else. I just wanted to tell you because I know you don’t want secrets anymore and she might try to bring it up and make me look bad.”

Her eyes narrowed again. “Why would she bring it up if nothing happened?”

“She’s clearly got some agenda here because although she came on to me, it didn’t feel genuine. It was like she was doing it to see if I’d fall for it. I’m not sure what she’s up to, but just … be careful.” He cupped her face and examined her eyes. “Okay?”

She nodded. “All right. I’ll be careful.”

“Good.” He let her go, picked up his phone from the table, pocketed it, and nudged Zaide. “Come on, then. The day’s a-wasting.”

“See you later, Little Cat,” Zaide said as he stood. He leaned down to kiss Clawdia.

“Love you,” she replied breathlessly as he pulled away.

“And I you.”

Charlie glared. “You’re making me look bad.”

“Then kiss our beautiful little cat and tell her you love her too.” Zaide shrugged and walked to the door.

“Love you, Clawdicat.” Charlie kissed her with no less passion than Zaide did. “See you in a bit.”

I sighed. “No kisses for me.” They all paused to look at me. I didn’t think they’d forgotten I was there, but they were surprised to hear me make a joke, because all three of them gave a startled laugh.

Charlie winked. “I’m sure you’ll get plenty of kisses when we’ve fixed you. Bye, Baelen. Be a good little vampire for Clawdicat while we’re away.”

The door slammed behind them, and then it was just Clawdia and me. She went to the bathroom, and I picked at my nails as I waited for her to come back. When she did, she sat near me again, and I relished in the smell of her, the warmth radiating from her.

“Are you all right?” she asked eventually, hesitantly. I tilted my head. She knew I couldn’t talk about my situation with Kaatu. “I mean, after what I said last night. About what I … saw.”


She wrung her hands nervously and explained quickly, “You didn’t say a word last night, and you’re talking now, and I just wanted to know if it was because you couldn’t talk last night or because you didn’t want to.”

“I couldn’t.” But not for the reason she thought.

Visions were something I had an uncomfortable relationship with since my mother had been cursed to see the future when the titans fell. And Clawdia’s vision, whether it was such or not, was a frightening prospect for someone whose fathers disowned him.

“Can you talk now?” Clawdia asked, her expression earnest. “I know you don’t have a great relationship with your fathers. Are you worried?”

I blinked, shocked at how easily she saw through me. “I suppose I am.”

She nodded. “That’s understandable. We’re all still getting to know each other.”

“Zaide is uncomfortable around my eyes. A child—“