Besides the heartbreaking lack of his mum in attendance, it was a picture-perfect day. The only other person who wasn’t in attendance …

Tristan risked another glance around. Henry. How dare he miss this important event? Things were shaky enough between Henry and the king. Tristan had overheard some media questioning where the prime minister could be.

Jennifer, regrettably, wasn’t here either.

Or was she?

Many people had sunglasses on to protect their eyes from the slanting late-afternoon sun and some women had fancy hats. One particular woman had both a hat and glasses on, her hair hidden by the large brim. She was seated near the back of the crowd in a white floral dress. Her fit body, the smooth line of her jaw, her deeply tanned skin, and those generous lips seemed like dead giveaways to him.

Why was she hiding behind the hat and sunglasses? Was it really her or was he imagining it was because he wanted to see her again?

It wouldn’t do to have the crown prince craning his neck to stare at the crowd, so Tristan sat straight and tall, a slight smile on his face, his arm draped over the back of Kiera’s chair as he teased that she had to be his date since he was ‘dreadfully alone.’

Chad had brought a date, attempting to prove he’d recovered easily from Sophie Pederson’s rejection. It was easy for Tristan to see that his close friend wasn’t interested in the fake-looking blonde on his arm. Chad was partial to brunettes and had only brought her so he wouldn’t be alone.

Jensen was alone. Misery should’ve loved company, but Tristan was happy his brothers had all found their ideal match; it would be great to see Chad and Jensen do the same. Thankfully, darling and wild Kiera had at least a dozen years before she could even look at the opposite sex. Tristan smiled more genuinely, thinking what a sixteen-year-old Kiera would say to that when the time came. If only she could stay twelve forever.

Tristan focused on the beautiful ceremony. It rushed by far too quickly. The family would be the first to congratulate the bride and groom, then the crowd would take their turn before the guests would walk around the side of the castle, the path a temporary suspended glass bridge that led to the massive courtyard out front where the dinner, reception, dancing, and wedding celebration would be held. Hopefully none of the guests were afraid of heights.

He was one of the first to congratulate Derek and Ellery. He appreciated all of his sisters-in-law; they were each generous, kind, witty, and the right match for his brothers. Only Malik wasn’t married yet. He and Sophie hadn’t announced a date, but his youngest brother had put a huge princess-cut diamond ring on the accomplished chef’s finger last night. Malik was begging her to elope tomorrow. As the ‘Charming Prince,’ Tristan imagined Malik would convince her soon.

The dramatic way the two had reconnected two weeks ago, barely escaping William Rindlesbacher’s nightmare schemes with their lives, and the fact that they couldn’t leave each other’s sides now, Tristan imagined Sophie wouldn’t make Malik wait long.

Sophie’s five-year-old daughter Sunny leaped into Tristan’s arms as the family waited for the well-wishers to taper off so they could walk in a royal procession with the bride and groom around front to continue the celebrations.

Tristan kept searching for Henry and checking on the woman he suspected was Jennifer. She wasn’t surging forward with the crowd, anxious to greet the prince and his new princess. She held back. He could’ve sworn her gaze was on him, but it was impossible to tell with that hat and sunglasses covering her pretty face, curly hair, and intriguing brown eyes.

He wanted to storm to her, remove both the hat and the sunglasses, and sweep her into his arms. She’d been defensive and befuddling this morning. Was she truly angry at him? She’d left him without even a simple text saying she’d someday return.

Now that she was back, he wished he hadn’t agreed to any dates with other women, but he had to have dates to events as the crown prince, and he had also dated to appease his dad, his brothers, and so Chad wouldn’t worry about him.

Was Jennifer a mess with her mum in the Rindlesbachers’ power? Was she being forced to keep secrets from him? Tristan feared William’s plots to overthrow the crown would never end, and it was sickening to think of Aunt Leslie in that man’s power. To his knowledge, there had been no ransom note and no acknowledgment from William admitting to the kidnapping. What if William didn’t have her? It was no wonder Henry had been so anxious to meet with any person who claimed to have news of his wife—this morning being no exception. Was that why he was missing?

Knowing how horrific it was to lose his own mum, and for his dad to lose his wife, Tristan ached for Henry and Jennifer. Neither seemed interested in confiding in him or trusting him to help.

“Prince Uncle Tristan?” Sunny fluttered her lashes at him. Though Sophie’s five-year-old daughter had already taken to being part of the family, she was enamored with royalty and refused to drop the royal titles.

The little girl was absolutely adorable. Malik had confided in him and Derek, and asked him not to share with anyone, that Sunny was Treven Rindlesbacher’s daughter. Treven had forced himself on Sophie six years ago.

One more sickening crime to chalk up to the Rindlesbacher family.

Sunny was sunshine and joy in a rambunctious little girl form. The entire family doted on her, especially his dad and Kiera. He’d never imagined the two of them could be so taken with a little one. It was delightful to see his dad carefree and loving his role of ‘King Papa’ as Sunny had taken to calling him.

“Yes, Princess Sunny?”

She grinned unabashedly. “Will you carry me to the dinner, since you have no wife or girlfriend to hold hands with?”

Most of the time, the child spoke as if she were an adult. Probably the result of being raised by her grandparents and Sophie as a single mum.

Malik and Sophie were both laughing at his expense. Sophie tried harder to hide it, while Malik chortled openly.

“I’d be honored.” Tristan pointedly ignored his youngest brother.

“Thank you, kind prince.” She looked him over. “I don’t know why those girls don’t like you. They must be dumb. I think you’re very handsome, even with your ouchies.”

“Thank you. I think you’re very beautiful.” He hated his ‘ouchies,’ but he would never let on. Jennifer hadn’t even seemed to look at them this morning, besides telling him she was sorry he’d been hurt. Then he’d upset her by teasing about women. Dumb of him, as that seemed to be the main reason she was angry at him. He was defensive about the scars and often resorted to joking quickly when they were brought up.

“Well, duh.” She rolled her eyes and then gave him a dimpled grin. “Everybody thinks that.”