Jennifer used the bathroom, washed her hands, and put her sunglasses and hat back on, tucking her curls under the wide-brimmed hat. If the handsome captain who’d offered to show her where the restroom was thought it was odd she’d worn them into the bathroom, he hadn’t said anything. Very nice man.

There was also the very real possibility Captain Levi Favor had offered to escort her because she looked shady or because someone had instructed him to. They’d detained her at the gate and called General Raymond. Luckily, Tristan’s twin had told his men to let her use her dad’s invitation. Ray knew her well, and she had to believe he didn’t consider her a threat to anyone’s safety.

She’d made it through the beautiful ceremony with no one questioning her or paying much attention to her at all. Except for Tristan. As soon as his gaze had zeroed in on her, she’d known he would guess it was her. That was great. He was the one she was supposed to talk to and gain the trust of.

Except just him looking at her with those exceptional blue eyes of his and looking so exceptional in his dark-gray suit made her heart race out of control and her palms sweaty.

She had absolutely no idea what she was doing right now, or the best way to help her parents. But she had to at least be in a position of trust with Tristan so she could convince William to meet her when he reached out again. She’d rescue her parents or die trying. Hidden knives, the bear spray, a stun gun—ooh, she liked that last idea. That was what she needed to find. She could stun William and she and her parents could run away. Then she could send Ray and his troops after William and Naomi.

Finally, she’d be free. To love Tristan.

Please help me, Heavenly Father, she pleaded silently.My mum and dad are good people and all I have.

She took a deep breath and opened the bathroom door.

Leaning casually against the wall, and looking for all the world like the hottest crown prince to ever grace the earth …

“T,” she breathed out, sagging against the door frame.

Tristan straightened away from the wall and strode up to her.

“Where’s Captain Favor?” she asked weakly, clutching her throat in a vain attempt to get oxygen to keep moving through it. Tristan had always been the man who could make her pant for air, laugh until she cried, and forget any stress or responsibility.

Why did he have to be so devastatingly handsome and make her pulse race out of control? They’d been friends since they were young teens. She shouldn’t continually react this strongly to him.

His scars gave him an edge of danger. Especially with the intense look in his blue eyes. That look usually meant he was going to kiss her until she couldn’t stand on her own two feet, which didn’t help her racing heart’s intense thrumming.

Every cell was lit up and on fire for him as he leaned in and said roughly, “I’m Captain Favor’s replacement.”

It wasn’t anything awe-inspiring, but the way he looked at her made her feel like he was claiming her.

“I guess the crown prince will do for my escort back to the wedding dinner.” She tried to smile, but it was shaky. She needed to stay incognito. When she’d seen the place cards and realized hers would say ‘Prime Minister Henry Shule,’ she’d escaped into the bathroom to figure out how to proceed. It was one thing to have Ray knowing she was here in her dad’s place, but an entire table of people she may or may not know having questions about why she’d returned and where her dad was overwhelmed her. She wasn’t prepared to evade their questions, and she didn’t want to lie outright.

She’d been unsure if she could hide in plain sight while gaining Tristan’s attention. Of course he had noticed her, followed her, and was here for her. She wanted to confide everything to him, but she didn’t dare. He and his father were probably struggling to trust her dad, and Tristan would have to put his family and his country first.

She had to put her mum and dad first.

He smiled slightly and his eyes swept over her. Then he swept her hat off her head and her glasses off her face.

Jennifer let out a small gasp of surprise as her hair splayed down her back.

Tristan’s smile grew, and he whispered huskily, “Ah, there you are. Why cover up those gorgeous deep-brown eyes and golden-brown curls?”

He rested his hand on the door frame by her head and leaned so close his body brushed against hers, sending off sparks of warmth throughout her body. His distinctive scent, the depth of warm cedar intermingling with the spice of mint, made every nerve tingle.

“Why the disguise, Little Red Riding Hood?”

She smiled at the silly nickname he’d given her when they were preteens. Her gaze was drawn to his perfectly intriguing lips. She’d missed the touch of those lips horribly and knew the power they had over her. Power to make her quiver, go weak-kneed, kiss him for far too long, and forget all her worries and pains.

If only she could indulge in such bliss right now.

“T …” Her own voice came out too husky and full of longing.

Tristan’s gaze sharpened and filled with desire. He pressed against her, gently cradling her jaw with his palm. His thumb traced along her lower lip.

Jennifer panted, but the oxygen in the room seemed to have disappeared. She was faint, out of breath, and far too affected by him. It had been too long. Without Tristan, she’d been a fish without water, flopping around and knowing she’d shrivel and die.

She clung to his arm to steady herself, which was silly as she was already leaning against the doorjamb for support. The muscles in his biceps were flexed in a lovely show of hard work and dedication to good health and all things appealing in a man. Inherman. If only he could be her man again.