“No, it isn’t; and no, she didn’t tell me anything. I’m afraid she and Henry are hiding a lot from us.”

“We need to know what’s going on, T. Especially if Ray’s men can’t find Henry.” His dad met his eyes. “I know she loved you deeply. Gain her trust and get some answers.”

“I’m on it,” Tristan said. Something about the request rankled him. His dad wasn’t saying to do something underhanded, but he had no desire to gain Jennifer’s trust for any other reason than he loved her and wanted her to trust and love him back. Unfortunately, he didn’t know if he could trust her or Henry right now. Whether that was because of their own choices or because they were William’s pawns remained to be seen.

“Dad?” Malik was waiting next to the door to the courtyard. Everyone else was gone.

“Apologies.” His dad smiled brightly, and they both rushed to Malik’s side, finally stepping off the glass bridge.

They strode through the door together, grinning and waving. Cameras flashed. Their countrymen cheered. Everybody loved the king and the crown prince. If only they knew the extent of the load weighing down both of their shoulders.

Thankfully, the attention transferred to the bride and groom as Derek and Ellery stood up at the head table and Derek gestured to everyone.

“Thank you for coming. I can’t properly express my love for Elle, but I’m sure you can all see the worship in my eyes.”

“Ahh,” women in the crowd cooed.

“Thank you for being part of our day. We love each of you and are grateful for the role you’ve had in our lives. I’ll give a more romantic and thorough speech later.” He winked at Ellery.

“You mean later as in the honeymoon or later as in after dinner?” she asked, then blushed instantly.

The crowd laughed and cheered.

When they settled, Derek grinned and winked. “Both, love. Both.”

Everybody loved that.

“Now settle down.” Derek gestured with both hands. “You’ll find your name cards are on the tables. If everyone can find their seats, we’ll have my dad offer a blessing over the food and our union and proceed with dinner. I know Malik has been begging Sophie to fix her famous coconut shrimp and steak skewers for him, but she saved that deliciousness for mine and Elle’s wedding day instead. You can tell who really is the ‘charming prince’.” He grinned. “Now please find your places and enjoy.”

Everyone laughed and started milling around looking for their names, assisted by the many staff on hand.

The king suddenly clasped his forearm and whispered harshly, “Jenn?”

Tristan followed his gaze. As the crowd milled around finding their seats, the woman in the hat, glasses, and white floral dress was being directed into the castle by Captain Levi Favor. Captain Levi was a devoted royal guard who’d been instrumental in protecting Sophie from William’s lackeys.

What were the two of them doing?WasLevi loyal to them, or was he helping Jennifer sneak in to do something at William’s command? What if Jennifer was a traitor and here to hurt his family?

Not a traitor, not his Jenn, but she could easily be William’s pawn. Her father had proven that.

Jealousy tightened his gut as Captain Levi put his hand on the small of her back, holding the door, and escorted her in.

“I’m going after her,” he told his dad.

“I’ll cover for you, but be quick. We can’t start the dinner without you.”

The fact that his dad, the king, was willing to cover for him during his brother’s well-publicized royal wedding said a lot. The king was upset and worried about his friends Henry, Leslie, and Jennifer. He, like Tristan, wanted the Rindlesbachers caught and shut down.

Tristan shook hands, grinned, and charmed his way to the lower entrance. If anyone had brought a baby, he surely would’ve kissed it. He knew his role and played it well, but he had little time and hoped he didn’t offend anyone with his brevity as he maneuvered through and worked the crowd.

Right now he was on assignment to figure out what Jennifer was doing, what she was hiding, and if she still loved him.

The last one wasn’t an assignment from the king, but from his crown prince.

He finally entered the door and saw Captain Levi walking with Jennifer. He tracked them. Soon he’d have answers.

And only he would have the privilege of placing his hand on Jennifer’s back.