Page 6 of Twisted Sorcery

Help me.

But there's nothing to appeal to in his face. He licks his lips as he unbuckles his pants and slides his hand beneath the fabric.

I can’t move.I can’t move!

My fingernails leave tiny tracks on the wallpaper as he pulls me toward the bed. My mind is empty, pure panic, like a caged animal.No. This isn’t happening. No. No. No.

With the movement, his hand shifts on my mouth, fleshy palm pressing between my lips. Without thinking, I sink my teeth into him, fangs extending to puncture flesh. He yells and shoves me away from him.

I hit the foot of the bed with my head as I collapse like a puppet without strings. Pain shoots through my forehead and ear, then my ribcage as he kicks me. I want to scream but all that comes out is a small whimper.

“Fucking bitch!” he swears as he yanks me up by my hair.

His friend is laughing. “The guyjustsaid watch the teeth.”

The side of my head hits the wall as he shoves me back against it angrily. This time, he keeps far away from my mouth. Instead, he slips his hand between my stomach and the wall to find the button of my pants.

“No!” My voice is muffled by the way my face is pressed against the wall. I choke on the word. I struggle, kicking haplessly. The movement is enough to make his task a little more difficult, making him fumble. With a frustrated grunt he steps back a little, pulling me away from the wall for easier reach.

Desperate, I throw my weight down, unsure of what I’m trying to achieve except for making him stop. He catches me before I hit the floor, reaching thoughtlessly for my hair again. It brings his wrist just close enough for me to twist my head and bite again.

He swears and tries to yank his arm away but this time, I’m not letting go. I sink my teeth not only into the artery at his wrist but into flesh and tendon, using all the strength left in me. Blood wells past my teeth reluctantly. The dark, animalistic presence in my head awakens with a vengeance. I try to fight it but quickly lose.

The guy stumbles backward, punching my neck and head, panicking now. When it doesn’t work, he presses his other hand into my face, pushing. With every drop of sanguine liquid that I draw out, I can feel a little strength returning to my body.

But what if I kill him?It’s a fear that’s haunted me ever since my transition. I don’t want anyone on my conscience, not even someone like him. And yet there’s an angry part of me that enjoys hearing his panicked voice telling his friend tofucking do something.Terrified, I grapple with myself, trying to make myself let go.

I succeed just in time for his friend to yank back on my shoulders. Blood runs from my lips to my chin as he pulls me away. I watch with grim satisfaction as blood splatters from the guy’s wrist onto the leather lounge and he tries frantically to stop the bleeding with tissues. There’s a dark part of me that almost wishes vampire bites didn’t heal so quickly, so that I could watch him bleed out.

Then his friend hits me with something hard in the back. My knees give and I double over on the floor, yelping. While on of them stills his bleeding, the other picks me up and wrestles me face-down onto the bed.I’m still not strong enough.

“You’re going to regret that,” he hisses.

Really?I think grimly.This is what you’re doing instead of helping your friend?I’m not sure why that surprises me.

His fingers slip under the seam of my pants and he begins to dug them down, when the loud click of a door makes him stop.

“What the fuck?!” The other guy snaps. Then, louder, “The room is taken!”

A moment of silence in which I can only hear my own panting breath. My mind scrambles.Someone is coming in. Help me. Help me help me help me!

I squirm and try to say something but what comes out is only an unintelligible whisper, not audible over the dampened music coming from downstairs. For a moment, the music rises as the door is opened, then it closes again.

“I thought there might be room for one more but,” the low, velvety voice of a woman says. “I wasn’t expecting such a mess.”

I can feel the vibration of his voice as the guy above me replies, “The little bitch went psycho on us.”

“I see.” She laughs, light and happy and not at all the way someone coming to help me would laugh. The guy above me gets back to work on my pants and all my hope crashes and burns up in terror.

No. This can’t be happening. Dammit, why can’t I move?

There is a yelp and a gurgling sound loud enough that I can hear it, followed by retching and choking.

The guy above me stops again. “What the fuck are you–”

His words are cut off by sputtering and choking. I can feel his body twitch and convulse before he collapses, landing somewhere half on me and half beside me on the bed. At the same time, the distinct click of heels on wood approaches. My fingers claw at the sheets.

There’s a ‘clank’ and something skids across the floor.